Sl. No. | Facility | Description |
1 | Synopsys Front end & Back end VLSI design software | Used for making IC design testing and fabrication. |
2 | Xilinx Virtex 5 board Real Time Implementation of Audio & video signals in VLSI Xilinx 13.1 25 users license | Used for real time implementations on VLSI chips for various applications |
3 | Light Runner Fiber optic kit | Used for optical communication related design. |
4 | Matlab R2011 with 22 toolboxes 25 users concurrent license | Used for research purpose in signal and image processing fields. |
5 | Exata 2.0 software teaching license | For analysis of physical, MAC and network layer protocol in real time designing and evaluation of new protocol in MANET, WSN, MESH, Wired, Satellite, GSM |
6 | WiMax,Bluetooth and Zigbee development board | Network protocol implementation and performance analysis. |
7 | PRO AUDIO Development Tool | Signal processing analysis, simulation and implementation in real time |
8 | ADDu BF537 EZKITLITE ADI kit with VDSP++ | For audio and video processing and implementation in real time |
9 | DSP starter kit TEXAS make- TMS320C5416 with code composer studio | For speech signal processing and real time implementation |
10 | ANSYS Software | To design microstrip antennas and receiver |
11 | PROTEUS design suite | To program ARM processor, PIC microcontroller and 8051 microcontroller |
Sl. No. | Name of the Supervisor | Reference No. | Name of the University | Research Area | E-Mail ID | Phone No. |
1 | Dr.G.Murugesan | 2740055 | AU, Chennai | Image Processing, Communication Networks | | 9865273774 |
2 | Dr.N.Kasthuri | 2340142 | AU, Chennai | Signal Processing in Communication Systems | | 9677734007 |
3 | Dr.T.Meera Devi | 2340189 | AU, Chennai | Signal Processing, Image Processing Embedded Systems, Digital Electronics | | 9842702665 |
4 | Dr.P.Nirmaladevi | 2940056 | AU, Chennai | Signal and Image Processing | | 9842561234 |
5 | Dr.D.Malathi | 4140139 | AU, Chennai | VLSI Design | | 9842780385 |
6 | Dr.P.Sivaranjani | 2940063 | AU, Chennai | CAD of VLSI, Embedded Systems | | 9865944633 |
7 | Dr.S.Maheswaran | 3340059 | AU, Chennai | Embedded System, Automation, Instrumentation | | 9842811344 |
8 | Dr.S.Sasikala | 4290021 | AU, Chennai | Big Data, Soft Computing | | 9952514913 |
9 | Dr.M.Joseph Auxilius Jude | 4040042 | AU, Chennai | 5G networks, Vehicular Networks, Sensor Networks and Ad-Hoc Networks | | 9443994332 |
10 | Dr.J.Vijayalakshmi | 4290026 | AU, Chennai | Metamaterial Antenna Design, UWB Antenna Design, RF Circuit Design, Microwave Imaging | | 9659343425 |
11 | Dr.K.Senthil Kumar | 4350001 | AU, Chennai | Nanoscience and Technology, Energy Storage Mechanism, Quantum Dot Cellular Automata | | 9715660492 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Scholar | Reg. No. | Name of the University | Name of the Supervisor | Research Area | Status |
1 | Dr.E.D.Kanmani Ruby | 10930522025 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | QoS efficient routing protocols for multipath multicast information in an ADHOC network | Completed on 12.02.2013 |
2 | Dr.S.Ananda Murugan | 7073062101 | AUT, CBE | Dr.C.Venkatesh | Performance analysis of various energy efficient schemes for wireless sensor networks (WSN) | Completed on 24.05.2013 |
3 | Dr.P.Keerthika | 100930622011 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Design and Analysis of multi constrained scheduling algorithms for computational grid | Completed on 30.10.2014 |
4 | Dr.R.Kumaravelu | 10900631036 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Embedded system based cardless jacquard for handloom weaving | Completed on 31.10.2014 |
5 | Dr.K.S.Tamilselvan | 11130531047 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on multimodal medical image fusion for segmented clinicla CT and MRI images | Completed on 23.03.2016 |
6 | Dr.V.R.Saraswathy | 10930522040 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Feature reduction using rough set for semi-supervised clustering | Completed on 29.07.2016 |
7 | Dr.K.Venkateshwaran | 71030521040 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | A certain investigation on multi resolution and multi directional transform based texture feature extraction techniques for classification of satellite images | Completed on 23.09.2016 |
8 | Dr.J.Indra | 11130432006 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Certain investigations on speech enhancement approaches for classical tamil language | Completed on 07.07.2017 |
9 | Dr.S.Sasikala | 71030522027 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain Investigations on Efficient VLSI Architectures for Sign based LMS Adaptive Filter for Denoising of ECG Signals | Completed on 28.08.2017 |
10 | Dr.V.Geetha | 71030522006 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Investigations on proficient VLSI architectures for ligting based two dimensional DWT | Completed on 15.12.2017 |
11 | Dr.R.S.Latha | 71030622018 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on improving routing algorithms in mobile Ad hoc networks using soft computing techniques | Completed on 11.01.2018 |
12 | Dr.S.T.Sadish Kumar | 100930521012 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Certain investigations on epileptic seizure detection in EEG signal using wavelet transform | Completed on 19.04.2018 |
13 | Dr.S.R.Menaka | 11160632019 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | An effective energy and QoS based routing scheme for wireless sensor networks | Completed on 07.09.2018 |
14 | Dr.R.Rajeswari | 71010622031 | AUT, CBE | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Novel approaches for load balancing in grid using quality of experience and centext aware load prediction | Completed on 07.05.2019 |
15 | Dr.A.Arulmurugan | 11130531006 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on thermal aware testing and thermal aware test data compression for VLSI circuits | Completed on 09.08.2019 |
16 | Dr.V.Dinesh | 11230531011 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on planar UWB antenna design for microwave imaging breast cancer detection | Completed on 11.02.2020 |
17 | Dr.J.Vijayalakshmi | 1224469790 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on the design of ultra wide band antenna for early detectin on human brain tumor in microwave imaging | Completed on 19.06.2020 |
18 | Dr.S.Gomathi | 71130532009 | AUT, CBE | Dr.G.Murugesan | Efficient VLSI Architecture for Signal Processing applications | Completed on 26.11.2020 |
19 | Dr.R.Mouleeshuwaraprabu | 1214369199 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Certain investigations on detection of seizure from EEG signals using computational techniques | Completed on 22.07.2021 |
20 | Dr.V.Sathya Narayanan | 1514469995 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | A certain investigation on efficient character recognition system for ancient historical documents | Completed on 24.06.2022 |
21 | Dr.M.Ruban Gladwin | 1514469898 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | A certain investigation on S-box design with hybrid energy recovery logic for IoT applications | Completed on 30.01.2023 |
22 | Dr. K. Manoj Senthil | 1414369766 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Certain investigations on the performance analysis of lung tumor detection system | Completed on 07.06.2023 |
23 | Dr.R.R.Thirrunavukkarasu | 1613469113 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Certain investigations on ECG signal denoising arrhythmia detection and classification using hybrid classifiers | Completed on 09.08.2023 |
24 | Dr.S.Palpandi | 1412469925 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Certain investigations on skin cancer detection using machine learning and deep learening models | Completed on 22.03.2024 |
25 | Dr.K.Kavinkumar | 1514469125 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Certain investigations on the performance analysis of MRI brain tumour classification using machine learning and deep learning models | Completed on 22.03.2024 |
26 | Dr.V.C.Diniesh | 18153691207 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigation on energy efficient and load balanced effective congestion aware mobility management protocols for mobile IoT | Completed on 30.04.2024 |
27 | Dr.M.Sangeetha | 1624469268 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Certain investigations on performance analysis of personalized recommendation using graph neural network | Completed on 30.04.2024 |
28 | Dr.V.Thamizharasan | 18144697187 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Investigations on digital filter using proficient VLSI arithmetic architecture in signal processing | Completed on 21.06.2024 |
29 | Dr.S.Mohan | 17144697451 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | A certain investigation on segmentation of psoriasis skin images using CNN based optimization algorithm | Completed on 07.10.2024 |
30 | Mr.Vibin Mammen Vinod | 17153697261 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Investigations and analysis of bio-potentials for control of assistive robots | Pursuing |
31 | Mr.G.Thirunavukkarasu | 18144691546 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Multicarrier mimo for 5th generation wireless communication | Pursuing |
32 | Mr.N.N.Pragash | 18144691118 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Service management implementation architecture for next generation networks | Pursuing |
33 | Mr.R.P.Karthik | 19143697127 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigation on artificial intelligence techniques for forecasting of fault issues in the electronic gadget of medical devices using cyber physical system | Pursuing |
34 | Ms.P.Pavithara | 21244697254 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | FPGA implementation of VLSI architectures for eeg based eplileptic seizure prediction | Pursuing |
35 | Ms.M.Chitra | 21244697218 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Design of proficient VLSI architectures for the analysis of bio signals | Pursuing |
36 | Ms.G.Deepa | 21234697492 | AU, Chennai | Dr.G.Murugesan | Certain investigations on artificial intelligence based routing protocols for IoT applications | Pursuing |
37 | Ms.K.Hemalatha | 17244697294 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Diagnosis of cervical cancer | Pursuing |
38 | Mr.I.Blessing Meshach Dason | 17144697594 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | High-speed and low-latency ECC processor for FPGA platforms | Pursuing |
39 | Ms.N.S.Kavitha | 17243697143 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Detection and analysis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in retinal fundus images | Pursuing |
40 | Ms.R.Ramyea | 21244691186 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Spectrum sensing algorithm in cognitive radio networks | Pursuing |
41 | Mr.G.Ravivarma | 21144691120 | AU, Chennai | Dr.N.Kasthuri | Hardware architecture design for machine learning algorithms | Pursuing |
42 | Ms.M.Madhumalini | 1524469829 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | A Modality approach for glaucoma evaluation by ophthalmologic techniques | Pursuing |
43 | Ms.A.Bhuvaneswari | 1523459279 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | A novel technique based on MEMS in the design of pressure sensor | Pursuing |
44 | Mr.N.Prabhu Ram | 18143691231 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Analyse and classification of unsure and unprincipled text using natural language processing | Pursuing |
45 | Ms.S.Preethi | 21244697279 | AU, Chennai | Dr.T.Meeradevi | Plant disease detection and classification from leaf images using deep convolutional neural network | Pursuing |
46 | Mr.S.Pradeep | 18144691276 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Nirmaladevi | Performance evaluation of various denoising algorithms for digital images | Pursuing |
47 | Mr.A.Arun | 18144691322 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Nirmaladevi | Performance improvement in image retrieval algorithm | Pursuing |
48 | Ms.M.Manimegalai | 20223691138 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Nirmaladevi | Performance analysis and classification of physical, mental disorders based on bioelectric signals | Pursuing |
49 | Ms.L.Vijayalakshmi | 25249691214 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Nirmaladevi | Channel estimation in wireless communication using artificial intelligence | Pursuing |
50 | Ms.P.Arulmozhi | 24259691262 | AU, Chennai | Dr.D.Malathi | Implementation of EMG signal compression using artificial intelligence techniques | Pursuing |
51 | Ms.S.Madumidha | 18214691385 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Sivaranjani | Performance analysis of enhancing security in internet of things | Pursuing |
52 | Ms.K.Kavitha | 21244697381 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Sivaranjani | Artificial intelligence based smart agro farming system using hydrological map and unmanned aerial vehicle | Pursuing |
53 | Ms.P.Keerthana | 24249691230 | AU, Chennai | Dr.P.Sivaranjani | Fast neural radiance fields for indoor 3D reconstructions | Pursuing |
54 | Mr.P.P.Janarthanan | 18143691221 | AU, Chennai | Dr.V.Ashok Dr.G.Murugesan (Incharge) | EEG based medical assistance in the treatment of mentally retarded people | Pursuing |
55 | Mr.A.Vinod | 18134691454 | AU, Chennai | Dr.V.Ashok Dr.G.Murugesan (Incharge) | Certain investigations on opti,ization technique for sensor nodes in the biomedical recording systems | Pursuing |
56 | Mr.B.Vivek | 20143691131 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | Investigations on applications of embedded systems for smart and sustainable farming | Pursuing |
57 | Mr.S.Sathesh | 20143691105 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | An investigation on chemical free yield improvement in row based crop cultvation using embedded systems | Pursuing |
58 | Ms.N.Indhumathi | 21243697185 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | Detection and classification of gastric cancer using deep learning | Pursuing |
59 | Mr.T.Arunkumar | 22144691157 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | Optimal barrier coverage scheduling and attack detection under mobile sensors | Pursuing |
60 | Mr.T.Karthi | 23143691186 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | An investigation on infestation of crop with insect detection and control for yield improvement using embedded systems | Pursuing |
61 | Ms.G.S.Nandhini | 23239697452 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Maheswaran | Analysis and investigation of machine learning based visible light communication system | Pursuing |
62 | Ms.A.Vennila | 20234691158 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Balambigai | Deep learning for cyber security applications | Pursuing |
63 | Mr.M.Vasanthakumar | 23144691397 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Balambigai | Multi objective bio inspired optimization for detecting respiratory diseases for CT medical images | Pursuing |
64 | Mr.R.Ravichandran | 24149691112 | AU, Chennai | Dr.S.Sasikala | Design and analysis of high performance FPGA based convolutional neural network accelerator for abnormal heart beat detection | Pursuing |
65 | Ms.M.Shivaranjani | 23244691226 | AU, Chennai | Dr.M.Joseph Auxilius Jude | Design of a robust end-to-end congestion control algorithm for te vehicle internet | Pursuing |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of the journal | International / National | Vol. No. / Issue No./ Page No. / Year | Authors |
1 | Enhancing porous electrodes through carbon activation of palm shell with gel activating agent | Polymer Bulletin | International | Vol.81(16), pp.14787-14800, 2024 | K.Senthil Kumar R.Ramyea S.Tharani M.Michalska |
2 | Classification of brain MRI using hyper column technique with convolutional neural network | International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics | International | Vol.16(5), pp.1846-1861, 2024 | K.Kavin Kumar |
3 | Automatic fabric defect detection in textile images using a LabVIEW based multiclass classification approach | Multimedia Tools and Applications | International | Vol.83(25), pp.65753-65772, 2024 | T.Meeradevi S.Sasikala |
4 | The Design and Development of Delta Arm for Multi-Purpose Agribots | IETE Journal of Research | International | Vol.70(9), pp.7526-7536, 2024 | S.Sathesh S.Maheswaran |
5 | Development of a near infrared region based non-invasive therapy device for diabetic peripheral neuropathy | Scientific Reports | International | Vol.14(1), p.27993 November 2024 | S.V.K.R.Rajeswari Vijayakumar Ponnusamy Nemanja Zdravkovic Emilija Kisic V.Padmajothi S.Vijayalakshmi C.Anuradha D.Malathi Nandakumar Ramasamy Kumar Janardhan Melvin George |
6 | Automated segmentation of retinal layers in optical coherence tomography images using Xception70 feature extraction | Applied Soft Computing | International | Vol.167(Part B), p.112414, 2024 | Pavithra Mani Neelaveni Ramachandran Palanichamy Naveen Prasanna Venkatesh Ramesh |
7 | Influence of Buffer Layer Engineering in MoS2/CIPS vdW NCFET Logic Transistor | Physics Letters A | International | Vol.523, pp.129763 August 2024 | I.B.M.Dason N.Kasthuri D.Nirmal |
8 | A constant temperature control system for indoor environments in buildings using internet of things | International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology | International | Vol.16(4), pp.217-225 July 2024 | N.Ashokkumar N.S.Kavitha M.Lakshmi Ashok Vajravelu |
9 | Design and Verification of Low Latency AMBA AXI4 and ACE Protocol for On Chip Peripheral Communication | Wireless personal communication | International | Vol.136, pp.1811-1824 June 2024 | P.Sivaranjani S.Sasikala A.Lavanya M.Keerthana |
10 | FPGA implementation of proficient Vedic multiplier architecture using hybrid carry select adder | International Journal of Electronics | International | Vol.111(8) pp.1253-1265, 2024 | V.Thamizharasan N.Kasthuri |
11 | Laceration assessment: advanced segmentation and classification framework for retinal disease categorization in optical coherence tomography images | Journal of the Optical Society of America A | International | Vol. 41(9), pp.1786-1793, 2024 | M.Pavithra R.Neelaveni Sweety Jose Paul R.Prasanna Venkatesh |
12 | Automatic fabric defect detection in textile images using a labview based multiclass classification approach | Multimedia tools and applications | International | Vol.83, pp.65753-65752 January 2024 | T.Meeradevi S.Sasikala |
13 | Design of Proficient Two Operand Adder using Hybrid Carry Select Adder with FPGA Implementation | IETE Journal of Research | International | Vol.69(12) pp.9152-9165, 2024 | V.Thamizharasan N.Kasthuri |
14 | Future directions of artificial intelligence integration: Managing strategies and opportunities | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | International | Vol.46(3), pp.7109-7122, 2024 | R.Sundar Ziaul Haque Choudhury M.Chiranjivi Gayatri Parasa Praseeda Ravuri M.Sivaram Balambigai Subramanian Kireet Muppavaram |
15 | Adaptive Wind Driven Optimization based Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks | Technical gazette | International | Vol.31(2), pp.466-473, 2024 | K.Muthulakshmi S.Prakash Balaji S.Stephe J.Vijayalakshmi |
16 | An automated hybrid decoupled convolution network for laceration segmentation and grading of retinal diseases using optical coherence tomography (OCT) images | Signal, Image and Video Processing | International | Vol.18, pp.2903-2927, 2024 | Mani Pavithra Neelaveni Ramachandran Sweety Jose Paul Prasanna Venkatesh Ramesh |
17 | Intelligent Cold Chain Security: Nano Power Temperature Sensors, ESP32 and Telegram Bot Integration for Temperature Assurance and Environmental Harm Prevention | Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology | International | Vol.13(1), pp.1-8, 2024 | S.Maheswaran R.D.Gomathi S.Sathesh S.Poovizhi R.Ridhish S.Nanthakkumaran M.Chinnadurai |
18 | A Novel Approach using Transfer Learning Architectural Models Based Deep Learning Techniques for Identification and Classification of Malignant Skin Cancer | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.4(1), pp.2183-2201, 2024 | S.Balambigai M.Suresh Kokilavani Thangaraj Hitesh Panchal Elavarasi Kasirajan Abarna Marimuthu Abinaya Ravi |
19 | Prediction of ground water quality in western regions of Tamilnadu using LSTM network | Groundwater for Sustainable Development | International | Vol.25, pp.101156, 2024 | M.Kasiselvanathan A.Suresh M.Sinduja KB.Prajna Maheswaran Shanmugam |
20 | Automated diagnostic classification of diabetic retinopathy with microvascular structure of fundus images using deep learning method | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | International | Vol.88(8), p.105616 February 2024 | S.Pradeep P.Nirmaladevi |
21 | Novel Light Weight Hardware Authentication Protocol for Resource Constrained IoT Based Devices | IEEE journal of radio frequency identification | International | Vol.8(1), pp.31-42 January 2024 | V.C.Diniesh V.R.Vijaykumar S.Raja Sekar R.Jothin V.C.Diniesh S.Elango S.Ramakrishnan |
22 | Computer?aided diagnostic model for retinal vascular diseases using graph?based attention mechanism | Journal of Supercomputing | International | Vol.80, pp.2862-2888, 2024 | G.Sivapriya R.Manjula Devi P.Keerthika |
23 | Enabling secure and efficient industry 4.0 transformation through trust?authorized anomaly detection in cloud environments with a hybrid AI approach | Optical and Quantum Electronics | International | Vol.56(2), pp.251-280, 2024 | S.Balambigai N.Prakash J.Vignesh M.Ashwin Sudhir Ramadass N.Veeranjaneyulu Shashikant V. Athawale Ananda Ravuri |
24 | security of internet of things based on cryptographic algorithm | International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics | International | Vol.16(1), pp.28-39, 2024 | D.Balakumaran K.Hemalatha Sonam Mittal Soni Singh |
25 | Autoencoder Based Architecture for Identification and Mitigating Phishing URL Attack in IoT using DNN | The Institution of Engineers (India) springer | International | Vol.104(6) pp.1227-1240 December 2023 | S.B.Gopal C.Poongodi D.Nanthiya T.Kirubakaran B.Kulavishnusaravanan D.Logeshwar |
26 | Nature-Inspired Energy Enhancement Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks | Energies | International | Vol.16(20), pp.1-19 October 2023 | Hezekiah, James Deva Koresh, Karnam Chandrakumar Ramya, Mercy Paul Selvan, Vishnu Murthy Kumarasamy, Dipak Kumar Sah, Malathi Devendran, Sivakumar Sabapathy Arumugam, Rajagopal Maheswar |
27 | Radar optical communication for analysing aerial targets with frequency bandwidth and clutter suppression by boundary element mmwave signal model | Optical and Quantum Electronics | International | Vol.55, p.1142 October 2023 | V.P.Kavitha D.Prabakar S.Ranjith Subramanian S.Balambigai |
28 | Compact Flexible Planar Antennas for Biomedical Applications: Insight into Materials and Systems Design | Bioengineering | International | Vol.10(10), p.1137 September 2023 | V.Dinesh J.Vijayalakshmi Kamal Batcha Mohamed Ismail M.Arun Kumar Shanmugam Mahalingam Junghwan Kim |
29 | URS-Nets++: unified dense residual networks with multi-headed attention layers for removal of EMI noise from CT images | Signal, Image and Video Processing | International | Vol.17(8) pp.4405-4413 July 2023 | S.Pradeep P.Nirmaladevi |
30 | Mitigation of Phishing URL Attack in IoT using H-ANN with H-FFGWO Algorithm | KSII transactions on internet and information systems | International | Vol.17(7), pp.1916-1934 August 2023 | S.B.Gopal C.Poongodi |
31 | Modeling a novel heuristic model for handling vehicle routing using multi objective optimization | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | International | Vol.35(21), p.7694, August 2023 | V.Praveen P.Keerthika G.Sivapriya K.Sangeetha |
32 | Utilising blockchain technology to provide safety for smart home networks | International Journal of Security and digital forensics | International | Vol.15(5), pp.532-540 August 2023 | T.Senthil Kumar Leo John Baptist Andrews M.Madhini K.Hemalatha |
33 | Highly carbonized Prunus dulcis shell-derived activated carbon for high-performance supercapacitor applications | Polymer Bulletin | International | Vol.80(10), pp.10881-10894 August 2023 | K.Senthil Kumar R.Ramyea Monika Michalsa M.Suresh Tahani Mazyad Almutairi Hitesh Panchal M.R.Gorji Ali Jawad Alrubai Mohamed A.Mohamed Mustafa Musa Jaber |
34 | Baby Incubator Monitoring System using Global System for Mobile Technology | Jurnal Kejuruteraan | International | Vol.34(5), pp.899-904 July 2023 | S.Suthagar G.Mageshkumar K.S.Tamilsevan |
35 | High speed hybrid multiplier design using a hybrid adder with FPGA implementation | IETE Journal of Research | International | Vol.69(5), pp.2301-2309 July 2023 | V.Thamilzarasan N.Kasthuri |
36 | Automatic segmentation of Psoriasis skin images using adaptive chimp optimization algorithm-based CNN | Journal of Digital Imaging | International | Vol.36(3), pp.1123-1136 July 2023 | S.Mohan N.Kasthuri |
37 | Review of Next-Generation Wireless Devices with Self-Energy Harvesting for Sustainability Improvement | Energies | International | Vol.16(13), July 2023 | James Deva Koresh Hezekiah Karnam Chandrakumar Ramya Sathya Bama Krishna Radhakrishnan Vishnu Murthy Kumarasamy Malathi Devendran Avudaiammal Ramalingam Rajagopal Maheswar |
38 | A comprehensive review of analyzing the chest x-ray images to detect COVID-19 infections using deep learning techniques | Soft Computing | International | Vol.27(19), pp.14219-14240 July 2023 | S.Kavitha P.Natesan A.S.Renugadevi M.Suresh Om Prava Mishra L.Ashok Kumar R.Ponarun Christober Asir Rajan Charles Gnanakkan T.Gunasekaran Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan |
39 | An extensive review on deep learning and machine learning intervention in prediction and classification of types of aneurysms | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.131(3), pp.2055-2080 July 2023 | A.S.Renugadevi P.Natesan S.Kavitha M.Suresh Ravita Lamba S.Sreejith |
40 | Attribute preserving recommendation system based on graph attention mechanism | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | International | Vol.44(6), pp.9419-9430 June 2023 | M.Sangeethaa T.Meera Devi |
41 | Quad Element Beamforming Microsrip Antenna for Indoor Use Equipment Localization at 6 GHz band | Wireless Personal Communication | International | Vol.130(4), pp.2471-2494 May 2023 | G.Thirunavukkarasu G.Murugesan AzrinaAbd Aziz S.Kowsikkumar |
42 | Pso-dbnet for peak-to-average power ratio reduction using deep belief network | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | International | Vol.45(2), pp.1483-1493, 2023 | A.J.Basha M.R.Devi P.Sivaranjani D.M.Hussain V.Padhy |
43 | Low?Power SRAM Cell and Array Structure in Aerospace Applications: Single?Event Upset Impact Analysis | Wireless Personal Communication | International | Vol.129(1), pp.37-55, 2023 | P.Sivaranjani S.Elango G.Nirmal Raj K.Gavaskar |
44 | Enhancing Supercapacitor Performance Using ZnO Embedded on GO/PPy Composite as Versatile Electrodes | High Energy Chemistry | International | Vol.57(1), pp.69-76, 2023 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar K.S.Tamilselvan |
45 | EEM-MAC: Enhanced energy efficient mobility aware MAC protocol for mobile internet of things | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | International | Vol.16(1), pp.87-106, 2023 | V.C.Diniesh G.Murugesan |
46 | Brain Tumor Identification using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning Approach | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | International | Vol.46(2), pp.1845-1861 March 2023 | K.KavinKumar P.M.Dinesh P.Rayavel L.Vijayaraja R.Dhanasekar Rupa Kesavan Kannadasan Raju Arfat Ahmad Khan Chitapong Wechtaisong Mohd Anul Haq Zamil S. Alzamil Ahmed Alhussen |
47 | FPGA implementation of high performance digital FIR filter design using a hybrid adder and multiplier | International Journal of Electronics | International | Vol.110(4), pp. 587-607, 2023 | V.Thamizharasan N.Kasthuri |
48 | A normalized Haar wavelet transformation based firefly optimization algorithm for power transmission line fault detection problems | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.45(2), pp. 4965-4981, 2023 | Iyappan Murugesan Prabhakar Gunasekaran Suresh Muthusamy Ponarun Ramamoorthi |
49 | An optimal selection of slot/pole combination and its influence on energy efficient PMSM for submersible water pumping applications | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.44, No.1, pp.654-667, | Anand Mouttouvelou Vinod Balakrishna Sundaram Maruthachalam Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Meenakumari Ramachandran Vennila Ammasi |
50 | Design and development of a new metamaterial sensor-based Minkowski fractal antenna for medical imaging. | Applied Physics A, | International | Vol.129(5), Article No.391, 2023 | J.Vijayayalakshmi D.Venkatachalam V.M.Vinod A.K.Loganathan S.Muthusamy M.Krishnamoorthy M.Geetha |
51 | Structural and Electrochemical Analysis of Activated Carbon Derived from Seeds of Ziziphus jujuba and Shells of Prunus dulcis Decorated over Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Binary Composite for High Energy Density Supercapacitor Applications | High Energy Chemistry | International | Vol.57(3), pp.177-185, 2023 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar K.S.Tamilselvan |
52 | The design and implementation of folded adaptive lattice filter structures in FPGA for ECG signals | Automatika | International | Vol.64(4), pp.772- 782, 2023 | C.Kalamani S.Kamatchi S.Sasikala L.Murali |
53 | Internet of things enabled smart solid waste management system | Global Nest | International | Vol.25(5), pp.98-105, 2023 | J.Vijayayalakshmi A.Mohanarathinam V.Nandhini Gayathri Priya |
54 | A Novel Hybrid Based Method in Covid 19 Health System for Data Extraction with Blockchain Technology | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | International | Vol.11(3), pp.81-94, 2023 | S.Balambigai C.R.Rene Robin Diana Moses D.Vijendra Babu S.Siva Shankar |
55 | Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Optimized Routing Protocol for WBANs using PSO Protocol | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | International | Vol.11(4), pp.116-121, 2023 | V.C.Diniesh L.V.R.Chaitanya Prasad R.Jennie Bharathi A.Selvarani W.Gracy Theresa R.Sumathi G.Dhanalakshmi |
56 | Pso-dbnet for peak-to-average power ratio reduction using deep belief network | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | International | Vol.45(2), pp.1483-1493, 2023 | A.J.Basha M.R.Devi P.Sivaranjani D.M.Hussain V.Padhy |
57 | A simplified methodology for renewable energy integration and harmonic current reduction in hybrid micro grid | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44(4) pp.8357-8379, 2023 | Senthil Kumar Ramu Gerald Christopher Raj Irudayaraj Suresh Kalichikadu Paramasivam Ramesh Murugesan Suresh Muthusamy Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Radhe Shyam Meena |
58 | A novel multi objective constraints based industrial gripper design with optimized stiffness for object grasping | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | International | Vol.160, p.104303, 2023 | Dinakaran Venkatesa Prabu Meenakshi Priya Balasubramaniyan Q. H. Le, Ali Jawad Alrubaie Ameer Al-khaykan Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Mustafa Musa Jaber Anil Kumar Dixit Chander Prakash |
59 | A deep transfer learning-based convolution neural network model for COVID-19 detection using Computed tomography scan images for medical applications | Advances in Engineering Software | International | Vol.175, p.103317, 2023 | N.D.Kathamuthu S.Subramaniam Le QH M.Suresh H.Panchal SCM.Sundararajan A.J.Alrubaie Zahra MMA |
60 | A Variant of Long Multiplication Design with Low Power and Area Using Modified 7:3 Compressor for Biomedical Applications | Wireless Pers Commun | International | Vol.127, pp.3299-3319, 2023 | K.Gavaskar D.Malathi G.Ravivarma |
61 | An Energy-Efficient Multi-swarm Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing | International | Vol.36(2), pp.1571-1583, 2023 | Alkanhel Reem Kalaiselvi Chinnathambi C.Thilagavathi Mohamed Abouhawwash Manal Abdullah Alohali Doaa Sami Khafaga |
62 | On Minimizing TCP Traffic Congestion in Vehicular Internet of Things (VIoT) | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.128, pp.1873-1893, 2023 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani M.Suresh Hitesh Panchal Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
63 | Investigation on solar still with integration of solar cooker to enhance productivity: Experimental, exergy, and economic analysis | Journal of Water Process Engineering | International | Vol.51, p.103470, 2023 | Angappan Ganesh Selvakumar Pandiaraj Ali Jawad Alruabie Suresh Muthusamy Zafar Said Hitesh Panchal Vikrant P. Katekar Shahin Shoeibi A.E.Kabeel |
64 | A deep transfer learning-based convolution neural network model for COVID-19 detection using computed tomography scan images for medical applications | Advances in Engineering Software | International | Vol.175, p.103317, 2023 | Kathamuthu Nirmala Devi Shanthi Subramaniam Quynh Hoang Le Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan Ali Jawad Alrubaie Musaddak Maher Abdul Zahra |
65 | A novel multi objective constraints based industrial gripper design with optimized stiffness for object grasping | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | International | Vol.60, p.104303, 2023 | Dinakaran Venkatesa Prabu Meenakshi Priya Balasubramaniyan Quynh Hoang Le Ali Jawad Alrubaie Ameer Al-khaykan Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Mustafa Musa Jaber Anil Kumar Dixit Chander Prakash |
66 | Design of Low Power Multiplier with Less Area Using Quaternary Carry Increment Adder for New-Fangled Processors | Wireless Pers Commun | International | Vol.128, pp.1417-1435, 2023 | K.Gavaskar D.Malathi G.Ravivarma |
67 | Enhancement of the Carbon Content and Electrochemical Performance by Decorating Zinc Oxide Over Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Composite | Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | International | Vol.20(2), p.020904, 2023 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar K.S.Tamilselvan |
68 | An analytical survey of textile fabric defect and shade variation detection system using image processing | Multimedia Tools Application | International | Vol.82, pp.6167-6196, 2023 | T.Meeradevi S.Sasikala S.Gomathi |
69 | Ultrasonically synthesized MgZnO nanoparticles for enhanced piezo-photocatalysis and MgZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode characteristics | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.45(1), pp.762-776, 2023 | Saravanan Pandiyaraj Maheswari Murali Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal |
70 | A novel single phase grid connected solar photovoltaic system for state of charge estimation using recurrent neural networks | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.45(1), pp.841-859, 2023 | Elango Kannan Maheswari Avudaiappan Saravanan Kaliyaperumal Suresh Muthusamy Santhiya Pandiyan Hitesh Panchal Kannan Manickam Chandrasekar Shanmugam |
71 | A case study on analyzing the performance of microplate heat exchanger using nanofluids at different flow rates and temperature Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, | Elsevier | International | Vol.44, p.102805, 2023 | Nesakumar Dharmakkan Periasamy Manikandan Srinivasan Suresh Muthusamy Amit Jomde Sonal Shamkuwar Chandrakant Sonawane Kamal Sharma Ali Jawad Alrubaie A.S. El Shafay Hitesh Panchal |
72 | An improved retransmission timeout prediction algorithm for enhancing data transmission on internet of vehicles network | Wireless Networks | International | Vol.28, pp.2421-2436, 2022 | M.J.A.Jude S.Malini V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani |
73 | Wireless Retransmission Timeout Algorithm for Multi-Hop Vehicular Network | Wiley Internet Technology Letters | International | Vol.5(4), pp.4689-4704 August 2022 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude VC.Diniesh D.Aarthi S.Abirami |
74 | An improved retransmission timeout ediction algorithm for enhancing data transmission on internet of vehicles network | Wireless Networks | International | Vol.28(6), pp.2421-2436, 2022 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude S.Malini V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani |
75 | Design of Evolutionary Algorithm Based Energy Efficient Clustering Approach for Vehicular Adhoc Networks | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | International | Vol.46(1), pp.687-699, 2022 | V.Dinesh S.Srinivasan Gyanendra Prasad Joshi Woong Cho |
76 | A Grid-Connected Solar PV/Wind Turbine Based Hybrid Energy System Using ANFIS Controller for Hybrid Series Active Power Filter to Improve the Power Quality | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Hindawi | International | Vol.2022, Article ID: 9374638 November 2022 | Pazhanimuthu Cholamuthu Baranilingesan Irusappan Suresh Kalichikadu Paramasivam Senthil Kumar Ramu Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal S.Ramakrishna S.Nuvvula Polamarasetty P Kumar Baseem Khan |
77 | An experimental investigation on a locally fabricated dryer integrated with a novel solar air heater for the drying of potato slices | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.44, No.4 pp.9811-9826 November 2022 | Pandiaraj Selvakumar amilvanan Ayyasamy Md Hasanuzzaman Ganesh Angappan Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Ravita Lamba Chidozie Ezekwem Mamoona Munir Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan |
78 | An Improved Deep Learning-Based Technique for Driver Detection and Driver Assistance in Electric Vehicles with Better Performance | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Hindawi | International | Vol.2022, Article ID: 8548172 November 2022 | Gunapriya Balan Singaravelan Arumugam Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Hossam Kotb Mohit Bajaj Sherif S. M. Ghoneim Kitmo |
79 | Review on mobility aware MAC protocol using Mobile internet of things | Multimedia Tools and Applications | International | Vol.81, pp.38705-38734 December 2022 | V.C.Diniesh G.Murugesan |
80 | A novel home automation distributed server management system using Internet of Things | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.5478-5483 November 2022 | P.Manojkumar M.Suresh Alim Al Ayub Ahmed Hitesh Panchal Christopher Asir Rajan A.Dheepanchakkravarthy A.Geetha B.Gunapriya Suman Mann Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
81 | A method for broken bar fault diagnosis in three phase induction motor drive system using Artificial Neural Networks | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.5138-5144 November 2022 | R.Senthil Kumar I.Gerald Christopher Raj K.P.Suresh P.Leninpugalhanthi M.Suresh Hitesh Panchal R.Meenakumari Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
82 | Modelling and performance analysis of electric vehicle | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.5034-5040 November 2022 | B.Sharmila K.Srinivasan D.Devasena M.Suresh Hitesh Panchal R.Ashokkumar R.Meenakumari Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Ronakkumar Rajnikant Shah |
83 | Continuous monitoring of power consumption in urban buildings based on Internet of Things | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.5027-5033 November 2022 | S.Kaushik K.Srinivasan B.Sharmila D.Devasena M.Suresh Hitesh Panchal R.Ashokkumar Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Neel Srimali |
84 | An improved optimisation technique for the network-controlled pH process and DC motor using various controllers | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.5027-5033 November 2022 | Y.Dharshan B.Sharmila K.Srinivasan M.Suresh Hitesh Panchal R.Meenakumari R.Ashokkumar Neel Srimali Mohammad Israr Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
85 | Detection of Glaucoma from Fundus Images using Novel Evolutionary-Based Deep Neural Network | Journal of Digital Imaging | International | Vol.35, pp.1008-1022 October 2022 | M.Madhumalini T.Meera Devi |
86 | Two-stage deep learning-based hybrid precoder design for very large scale massive MIMO systems | Physical Communication | International | Vol.54, p.101835 October 2022 | P.Jeyakumar A.Ramesh S.Srinitha V.T.Nishant P.Gowri P.Muthuchidambaranathan |
87 | Nanocomposite-Based Electrode Structures for EEG Signal Acquisition | MDPI, Crystals | International | Vol.12, No.11, p.1526 October 2022 | Vajravelu Ashok Muhammad Mahadi Bin Abdul Jamil Mohd Helmy Bin Abd Wahab Wan Suhaimizan Bin Wan Zaki Vibin Mammen Vinod Karthik Ramasamy Palanisamy Gousineyah Nageswara Rao |
88 | Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric sensing of CO2 for biomedical applications | 3 Biotech | International | Vol.12, No.12 October 2022 | Shahina Shahid Mithra Geetha Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Divya Remani Suresh Muthusamy Asan G.A.Muthalif Somaya Al-maadeed |
89 | A realistic perspective for CO2 triggered tuning of electrical conductivity | RSC Advances - The Royal Society of Chemistry | International | Vol.12, pp.30921-30927 October 2022 | Mizaj Shabil Sha Bijandra Kumar Aboubakr M.Abdullah Suresh Muthusamy Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
90 | A concise review on Solar still with parabolic trough collector | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.4812-4819 October 2022 | Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni M.Suresh Mohammad Israr Shanmugan Sengottain |
91 | A novel method for Arduino based electric vehicle emulator | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.4299-4304 October 2022 | R.Ashokkumar M.Suresh B.Sharmila Hitesh Panchal C.Gokul K.V.Udhayanatchi Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Mohammad Israr |
92 | Design and optimization of slotted stator tooth switched reluctance motor for torque enhancement for electric vehicle applications | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.4283-4288 October 2022 | Mahesh A. Patel Kamran Asad Zeel Patel Mohit Tiwari Purv Prajapati Hitesh Panchal M.Suresh Ralli Sangno Mohammed Israr |
93 | A Modified Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform Approach for Tamil Speech Enhancement | IETE Journal of Research | International | Vol.68, No.4 pp.2661-2674 September 2022 | J.Indra R.Kiruba Shankar N.Kasthuri S.Geetha Manjuri |
94 | Segmentation and classification of breast cancer using novel deep learning architecture | Neural Computing & Applications | International | Vol.34, pp.16533-16545 September 2022 | S.Ramesh S.Sasikala S.Gomathi V.Geetha V.Anbumani |
95 | Microscopic image analysis in breast cancer detection using ensemble deep learning architectures integrated with web of things | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | International | Vol.79, No.2 p.104048 September 2022 | A.Sheeba P.S.Kumar M.Ramamoorthy S.Sasikala |
96 | Design and Fabrication of Flexible Nanoantenna Based Sensor Using Graphene-Coated Carbon Cloth | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol. 2022, Article ID: 2265904 September 2022 | K.Senthil Kumar S.Maheswaran S.Anbu Karuppusamy J.Indra R.Anand P.Rega A.Kavitha K.Immanuvel Arokia James N.Kasthuri K.Kathiresan |
97 | An experimental investigation on performance enhancement of twin wedge solar still with concrete basin for increased fresh water production | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.44, No.3 pp.8198-8220 September 2022 | Aruldoss Wesley Jeevadason Sankaramurthy Padmini M.Suresh R.Meenakumari |
98 | A Novel High-Efficiency Multiple Output Single Input Step-Up Converter with Integration of Luo Network for Electric Vehicle Applications | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Hindawi | International | Vol.2022, Article ID: 2880240 September 2022 | Senthil Kumar Ramu Rajesh Kumar Balaganesh Suresh Kalichikadu Paramasivam Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Ramakrishna S.S.Nuvvula Polamarasetty P Kumar Baseem Khan |
99 | A variable wind harvesting based induction generator using variable voltage and variable frequency converter for renewable energy applications | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis | International | Vol.44, No.4 pp.8427-8444 September 2022 | Ramamoorthi Ponarun Ramasamy Karthigaivel Suresh Muthusamy |
100 | Prediction of strength and analysis in self-compacting concrete using machine learning based regression techniques | Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier | International | Vol.173, Article ID: 103267 September 2022 | Surya Abisek Rajakarunakaran Arun Raja Lourdu Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Ali Jawad Alrubaie Mustafa Musa Jaber Mohammed Hasan Ali Iskander Tlili Andino Maseleno Ali Majdi Shahul Hameed Masthan Ali |
101 | Effect of Titanium Based Alloys on Thermo-Mechanical Behavior in 3D Forging Simulation | MDPI, Metals | International | Vol.12, No.10, p.1611 September 2022 | Mohan Kumar Anand Raj Balaji Madheswaran Ali Jawad Alrubaie Hitesh Panchal Suresh Muthusamy Mustafa Musa Jaber Chander Prakash Joao Paulo Davim Kuldeep Kumar Saxena Dharam Buddhi |
102 | Detection and optimization of skin cancer using deep learning | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | International | Vol.2318, No.1, p.012040 September 2022 | S.Balambigai K.Elavarasi M.Abarna R.Abinaya N.A.Vignesh |
103 | Plant leaf disease classification using deep neural network | International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics | International | Vol.12, No.5 pp.443-463 September 2022 | N.Kasthuri T.Meera Devi A.T.Shangar R.Yashwin J.S.Shabhareesh |
104 | VLSI implementation of booth multiplier and carry select adder based fir filter design for ECG signal denoising | International Journal of Health Sciences | International | Vol.6, No.4 pp.10631-10645 September 2022 | V.Sathya Narayanan K.Siddanthan K.C.Sneha Priya B.Valarmathi |
105 | Segmentation of Characters in Historic Documents Based on Scale Space Technique | Neuro Quantology | International | Vol.20, No.7 pp.2826-2833 September 2022 | V.Sathya Narayanan N.Kasthuri K.Nithya K.S.Nitish M.S.Prasanna |
106 | Baby Incubator Monitoring System using Global System for Mobile Technology | Jurnal Kejuruteraan | International | Vol.34, pp.899-904 September 2022 | S.Suthagar G.Mageshkumar K.S.Tamilselvan |
107 | Shannon entropy Morlet wavelet Transform (SEMWT) and Kernel Weight Convolutional Neural Network (KWCNN) classifier for arrhythmia in electrocardiogram recordings | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | International | Vol.78, Article ID: 103992 August 2022 | R.R.Thirrunavukkarasu T.Meera Devi |
108 | An Enhanced Neural Graph based Collaborative Filtering with Item Knowledge Graph | International Journal of Computers Communications & Control | International | Vol.14, No.4 August 2022 | M.Sangeetha T.Meeradevi |
109 | Low Power CMOS Design of Phase Locked Loop for Fastest Frequency Acquisition at Various Nanometer Technologies | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.125, pp.2239-2251 August 2022 | K.Gavaskar R.Dhivya R.Dimple Dayana |
110 | Biodegradable Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites for Biomedical Implants: Synthesis, Mechanical Performance and Corrosion Behavior- A Review | Journal of Materials Research and Technology | International | Vol.20, pp.650-670 August 2022 | Ramachandran Krishnan, Selvakumar Pandiaraj, Suresh Muthusamy, Hitesh Panchal, Mohammad S.Alsoufi, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim and Ammar El Sheikh |
111 | Design and comparative analysis of SRAM array using low leakage controlled transistor technique with improved delay | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | International | Vol.13, pp.4559-4568 August 2022 | K.Gavaskar M.S.Narayanan M.S.Nachammal |
112 | Synthesis methods of carbonaceous materials from different bio-wastes as electrodes for supercapacitor and its electrochemistry-A review | Bioresource Technology Reports | International | Article ID: 101187 August 2022 | H.Krishnamoorthy R.Ramyea A.Maruthu K.Kandasamy M.Michalska S.K.Kandasamy |
113 | Contrast Enhancement of Retinal Images using Green Plan Masking and Whale Optimization Algorithm | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.125, pp.1047 -1073 August 2022 | A.Bhuvaneswari T.Meera Devi |
114 | Performance analysis and enhancement of brain emotion based intelligent controller and its impact on PMBLDC motor drive for electric vehicle applications | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.3 pp.5640-5664 July 2022 | Gunapriya Balan, Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan, Singaravelan Arumugam, Mathankumar Manoharan, Karthik Muthukrishnan, Suresh Muthusamy, Hitesh Panchal, Kumaresan Varadharaj, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni and Santhakumar Jayakumar |
115 | Real-time facemask detection for preventing COVID-19 spread using transfer learning based deep neural network | Electronics | International | Vol.11, No.14 July 2022 | Mona Abdelbaset Sadek Ali, Anitha Shanmugam, Suresh Muthusamy, Chandrasekaran Viswanathan, Hitesh Panchal, MahendranKrishnamoorthy, Diaa Salama Abd Elminaam and Rasha Orban |
116 | A case study on development of thermodynamic entropy measuring device and its implication on the human body | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | International | Vol.37, Article ID: 102229 July 2022 | Selvakumar Pandiaraj, Kumaresan Govindasamy, Anand Pandey, Chandrakant Sonawane, Ali Jawad Alrubaie, Ali majdi, Mohamed A.Mohamed, Mustafa Musa Jaber, Suresh Muthusamy and Hitesh Panchal |
117 | A study of solar heat gain variation in building applied photovoltaic buildings and its impact on environment and indoor air quality | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.3 pp.6192-6212 July 2022 | Selvakumar Pandiaraj, Abubakkar Abdul Jaffar, Suresh Muthusamy, Hitesh Panchal and Santhiya Pandiyan |
118 | Performance improvement of hybrid image watermarking algorithm using discrete wavelet transform and human visual models | Neuroquantology | International | Vol.20, No.8 pp.900-909 July 2022 | V.Sundhararaj B.Meenakshipriya P.Nirmaladevi |
119 | A novel computer vision based design and development of automatic calibration of pressure gauges | Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, ASTM International | International | Vol.6, No.1 pp.131-147 July 2022 | S.J.Suji Prasad, J.Indra, M.Thangatamilan, Radhey Shyam Meena, Suresh Muthusamy, Hitesh Panchal, Mahendran krishnamoorthy, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Manish Doshi |
120 | Comparison of BPN, RBFN and wavelet neural network in induction motor modeling for speed estimation | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.3246-3251 July 2022 | R.Subasri R.Meenakumari Hitesh Panchal M.Suresh V.Priya R.Ashokkumar Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
121 | Chaotic Sandpiper Optimization Based Virtual Machine Scheduling for Cyber-Physical Systems | Computer Systems Science & Engineering | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.1373-1385 June 2022 | P.Ramadevi T.Jayasankar V.Dinesh M.Dhamodaran |
122 | A novel method for the classification of butterfly species using pretrained CNN models | Electronics | International | Vol.11, No.13 June 2022 | P.P.Fathimathul Rajeena Rasha Orban, S.V.Kogilavani, S.Malliga, S.Muthusamy Diaa Salam Abd Elminaam, Ayman Nabil, Laith Abulaigh, Mohsen Ahmadi, Mona A. S. Ali |
123 | A novel method for survival prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma using feature selection techniques | Applied Sciences | International | Vol.12, No.13 June 2022 | Mona Abdelbaset Sadek Ali, Rasha Orban, R.R.Rajalaxmi, S.Muthusamy S.Santhoshkumar, Kavithra Sekar, Fathimathul Rajeena P.P, Ibrahim Abd Elatif Gomaa, Laith Abulaigh, Diaa Salam Abd Elminaam |
124 | An adaptive harmonic abatement in three phase multilevel inverter topology with reduced switches using metaheuristic approaches for renewable energy applications | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.5455-5472 June 2022 | Anbarasan Palani, Krishnakumar Vengadakrishnan, S.Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal |
125 | Groundwater treatment using solar radiation vaporization and condensation techniques by solar desalination system | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.43, No.1, pp.2868-2874 June 2022 | Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Hitesh Panchal, Anuradha Awasthi, Mohammad Israr, F.A.Essa, S.Shanmugan M.Suresh S.V.Priya Abderrahmane Khechekhouche |
126 | FEA based analysis and design of PMSM for electric vehicle applications using Magnet software | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.2742-2747 June 2022 | A.Sheela, M.Suresh, V.Gowri Shankar, Hitesh Panchal, V.Priya, M.Atshaya, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Swapnil Dharaskar |
127 | The influences of loading ratios and conveying velocity on gas-solid two phase flow characteristics: A comprehensive experimental CFD-DEM study | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.2714-2726 June 2022 | A.E.Kabeel, Medhat Elkelawy, Hagar Alm El Din Mohamad, Ahmed Mohammed Elbanna, Hitesh Panchal, M.Suresh Mohammad Israr |
128 | An enhanced multiobjective particle swarm optimisation algorithm for optimum utilisation of hybrid renewable energy systems | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.2540-2548 June 2022 | M.Suresh, R.Meenakumari, Hitesh Panchal, V.Priya, El Sayed El Agouz, Mohammad Israr |
129 | Investigational study on improving the yield from modified conventional solar still with enhanced evaporation and condensation technique -An experimental approach | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.5267-5286 June 2022 | Karthikeyan Ganesan, Prince Winston David, Ravishankar Sathyamurthy Suresh Muthusamy |
130 | Classification of glaucoma based on elephant herding optimization algorithm and deep belief network | Electronics | International | Vol.11, No.11 June 2022 | Mona A.S.Ali, Kishore Balasubramanian, Gayathri Devi Krishnamoorthy, Suresh Muthusamy, Santhiya Pandiyan, Hitesh Panchal, Suman Mann, Kokilavani Thangaraj, Noha E.El Attar, Laith Abualigah and Diaa Salama Abd Elminaam |
131 | An extensive review of performance enhancement techniques for pyramid solar still for solar thermal applications | Desalination | International | Vol.532, Article ID: 115692 June 2022 | Ganesh Angappan, Selvakumar Pandiaraj, Hitesh Panchal, Thangamuthu Kathiresan, Danish Ather, Chiranjit Dutta, Manoj Karuppannagounder Subramaniam, Suresh Muthusamy, A.E.Kabeel, A.S.El-Shafay, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
132 | A case study on thermo-hydraulic performance of jet plate solar air heater using response surface methodology | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | International | Vol.34, Article ID: 101983 June 2022 | Mahalingam Murugesan Matheswaran, Thottipalayam Vellingiri Arjunan, Suresh Muthusamy, L.Natrayan, Hitesh Panchal, Shankar Subramaniam, Nitin K.Khedkar, A.S.El-Shafay, Chandrakanat Sonawane |
133 | Numerical investigation of cross metamaterial shaped ultrawideband solar absorber | Optical and Quantum Electronics | International | Vol.54, No.5 pp.1-13 May 2022 | D.Malathi A.Beno K.Kannan M.Dhamodaran Vishal Sorathiya Shobhit K. Patel |
134 | An extensive review on energy management system for microgrids | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.4203-4228 May 2022 | A.P.Arunkumar S.Kuppusamy S.Muthusamy S.Pandiyan H.Panchal P.Nagaiyan |
135 | Studies on diesel engine exhaust gas for retrieving the waste heat through Triple Tube Heat Exchanger (TTHE) through different tubes | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.4149-4164 May 2022 | M.Raman P.Saravanan S.Muthusamy S.Subramaniam |
136 | Investigation of mechanical properties of dual-fiber reinforcement in polymer composite | Journal of Materials Research and Technology | International | Vol.18, pp.3908-3915 May 2022 | M.K.A.Raj S.Muthusamy H.Panchal A.M.M.Ibrahim M.S.Alsoufi A.H.Elsheikh |
137 | A Fresh Design of Power Effective Adapted Vedic Multiplier for Modern Digital Signal Processors | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.124, No.2 pp.1297-1315 May 2022 | K.Gavaskar D.Malathi G.Ravivarma V.K.Devi M.Megala S.M.Begam |
138 | Defected Circular-Cross Stub Copper Metal Printed Pentaband Antenna | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.2022, pp.1-10 May 2022 | A.Kandasamy S.Rengarasu P.Kitti Burri S.Palanisamy K.Kavin Kumar A.D.Baladhandapani S.Alemayehu Mamo |
139 | A Study on Statistical Analysis of Risk Factors in the Assessment of Cardiovascular Events in Indian Population | ECS Transactions | International | Vol.107, No.1 p.12841 May 2022 | S.Sudha K.B.Jayanthi S.B.Abitha M.Menagadevi K.Kavin Kumar |
140 | Analysis of Efficient Security using Machine Learning Methods | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | International | Vol.828, pp.305-310 May 2022 | R.Ganesh Babu J.Bino K.Kavin Kumar P.Prasanna |
141 | Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Deep Learning | Lecture Notes in networks and Systems | International | Vol.431, pp.247-255 May 2022 | S.Preethi A.Arun Prakash R.Ramyea S.Ramya D.Ishwarya |
142 | Savitzky Golay and KPCA based Optimal Discrete Wavelet Transform Architecture for Image Compression | Microprocessors and Microsystems | International | Vol.91, p.104511 May 2022 | V.Geetha V.Anbumani R.Parameshwaran S.Gomathi |
143 | A novel intelligent transport system charging scheduling for the electric vehicle using Grey Wolf Optimizer and Sail Fish Optimization algorithms | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44,No.2 pp.3555-3575 April 2022 | Rajasekaran Rajamoorthy Gokulalakshmi Arunachalam Padmanathan Kasinathan Ramkumar Devendiran P.Ahmadi Santhiya Pandiyan Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Hussein A.Kazem Prabhakar Sharma |
144 | An effective energy management strategy in hybrid electric vehicles using taguchi based approach for improved performance | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.3418-3435 April 2022 | Geetha Anbazhagan, Santhakumar Jayakumar, Suresh Muthusamy, Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan, Hitesh Panchal and Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
145 | Feature selection by hybrid brain storm optimization algorithm for COVID-19 classification | Journal of Computational Biology | International | Vol.29, No.6 pp.1-15 April 2022 | Timea Bezdan Miodrag Zivkovic Nebojsa Bacanin Amit Chhabra Muthusamy Suresh |
146 | A novel strategy for implementation of intelligent techniques in solar photovoltaic arrays to improve the performance and various comparison of partial shading mitigating techniques | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.2 pp.3079-3099 April 2022 | Elango Kannan Maheswari Avudaiappan Saravanan Kaliyaperumal Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Santhiya Pandiyan Arulmurugan Azhaganantham |
147 | An improved quality inspection of engine bearings using machine vision systems | Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, ASTM International | International | Vol.6, No.1 pp.85-98 April 2022 | S.Vivek K.Srinivasan B.Sharmila Y.Dharshan Hitesh Panchal M.Suresh R.Ashok Kumar Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Medhat Elkelawy Neel Shrimali |
148 | Design of adaptive hybrid classification model using genetic-based linear adaptive skipping training (GLAST) algorithm for health-care dataset | Advances in Computational Intelligence | International | Vol.2, No.2 pp.1-10 April 2022 | Manjuladevi Ramasamy Keerthika Periasamy Suresh Periasamy Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Pratik Aravindbhai Solanki Kirti Panchal |
149 | Comparative analysis of the use of flash evaporator and solar still with a solar desalination system | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor and Francis | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.1561-1568 April 2022 | Hemin Thakkar Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni P.V.Ramana Hitesh Panchal M.Suresh Mohammad Israr Medhat Elklawy Hagar Alm El Din |
150 | Blockchain enabled optimal light weight cryptography based image encryption technique for IIoT | Intelligent automation & soft computing | International | Vol.33, No.3 pp.1539-1606 March 2022 | R.Bhaskaran R.Karupatthal M.Karthick J.Vijayalakshmi Seifedine Kadry Yunyoung Nam |
151 | A novel selective harmonic elimination for duple voltage boosting nine level inverter topology with fewer switching components for renewable energy applications | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.1 pp.871-892 March 2022 | Kannan Manickam Saravanan Kaliyaperumal Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal |
152 | One pot synthesis of Ag-Au/ZnO nanocomposites:a multi-junction component for sunlight photocatalysis | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.1 pp.758-770 March 2022 | Siva Chidambaram Balraj Baskaran Mohankumar Ganesan Sivakumar Muthusamy Srinivasan Alavandar Suresh Muthusamy Santhiya Pandiyan Hitesh Panchal |
153 | Solar photovoltaic based dynamic voltage restorer with DC-DC boost converter for mitigating power quality issues in single phase grid | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.1 pp.91-115 March 2022 | Suresh Kalichikadu Paramasivam Senthil Kumar Ramu Senthilkumar Mani Suresh Muthusamy Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni |
154 | A novel design of switched boost action based multiport convertor using dsPIC controller for renewable energy applications | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects | International | Vol.44, No.1 pp.75-90 March 2022 | Senthil Kumar Ramu Suresh Paramasivam Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Younes Noorollahi |
155 | Robust and Secure s-box design with gated hybrid energy recovery logic for IoT applications | Dyna | International | Vol.33, No.3 pp.1539-1606 January 2022 | M.Ruban Gladwin N.Kasthuri |
156 | Transfer learning based recurrent neural network algorithm for linguistic analysis | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | International | Vol.34, No.5 pp.1-13 February 2022 | S.Sasikala S.Ramesh S.Gomathi S.Balambigai V.Anbumani |
157 | Improved Key Agreement Based Kerberos Protocol for M-Health Security | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | International | Vol.42, No.2 pp.577-587 January 2022 | P.Thirumoorthy K.S.Bhuvaneshwari C.Kamalanathan P.Sunita E.Prabhu S.Maheswaran |
158 | Optimization of the Convolution Operation to Accelerate Deep Neural Networks in FPGA | Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle | International | Vol.35, No.6 pp.511-517 December 2021 | D.Malathi R.Indhumathi P.Vijayakumar P.Diwakar R.Marur |
159 | Optimization of number and spatial distribution of solar charge stations for electric buses: Case study, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines | Turkish Journal of Electro mechanics and Energy | International | Vol.6, No.2 pp.80-87 December 2021 | Younes Noorollahi Rahim Moltames Suresh Muthusamy Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan |
160 | Wood based biochar supported MnO2 nanorods for high energy asymmetric supercapacitor applications | Surfaces and Interfaces | International | Vol.27, p.101548 December 2021 | A.Nirmaladevi S.R.Boopathiraja K.Senthil Kumar S.Sathishkumar M.Parthibavarman |
161 | Design and FPGA implementation of folded SHA-256 using 4-2 adder compressor | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.112-121 December 2021 | P.Pavithara R.Renuka P.Sabena Yasmin K.Naresh |
162 | Detection of lung tumor using dual tree complex wavelet transform and co-active adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system classification approach | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | International | Vol.31, No.4 pp.2032-2046 December 2021 | K.Manojsenthil T.Meeradevi |
163 | Development of Efficient Classification Systems for the Diagnosis of Melanoma | Computer Systems Science & Engineering | International | Vol.42, No.1 pp.361-371 December 2021 | S.Palpandi T.Meeradevi |
164 | An extensive analysis of mechanical, thermal and physical properties of jute fiber composites with different fiber orientations | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | International | Vol.28, p.101612 December 2021 | Gukendran Rangasamy Sambathkumar Mani K.S.K.Sasikumar Mohammad S.Alsoufi Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Ammar H.Elsheikh |
165 | Empirical Mode Decomposition with Fuzzy Weight Beetle Swarm Optimization (EMD-FWBSO) Denoising and Enhanced Kernel Support Vector Machine (EKSVM) Classifier for Arrhythmia in Electrocardiogram Recordings | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | International | Vol.11, No.11 pp.2778-2789 November 2021 | R.R.Thirrunavukkarasu T.Meeradevi |
166 | Automated detection of Surface defects using Salient Region detection | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.213-220 November 2021 | P.Gowri G.Sivapriya R.Pavithra S.Ragulraj R.Nikkethan |
167 | Detection of Hookworm using Deep Learning | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.15-27, November 2021 | S.Maheswaran N.Indhumathi S.Sathesh C.Srinithi A.S.Sanjit R.Sriram |
168 | Smart Medicine Kit using Embedded IoT for Visually and Hearing-Impaired Patients | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.127-138 November 2021 | S.Sathesh S.Maheswaran S.Mahendran P.Rega T.Kaviya P.Kaveya D.Kavyadharshini |
169 | Covid-19 Impact on Various Sectors in India-A Detailed Analysis | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.227-235 November 2021 | R.Gomathi S.Maheswaran S.Sathesh N.Indhumathi |
170 | Independent Portable Data Copier for Data Transfer | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.242-254 November 2021 | S.Maheswaran S.Sathesh N.Indhumathi P.Ajith Kumar R.Gomathi P.Kaveya |
171 | Prolong Freshness of Foods By Maintaining Vacuum Pressure | Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.593-603 November 2021 | S.Maheswaran S.Sathesh B.Vivek M.Deepika M.Divya Dharshni K.Boopesh Raja |
172 | Improving Fairness and Convergence Efficiency of TCP Traffic in Multi?hop Wireless Networks | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.121, No.1 pp.459-485 November 2021 | M. Joseph Auxilius Jude V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani S.Madhumitha V.Karthik Balaji M.Myvizhi |
173 | Detection of Hookworm using Deep Learning | Natural volatile and Essential oil | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.15-27 November 2021 | S.Maheswaran N.Indhumathi S.Sathesh C.Srinithi A.S.Sanjit R.Sriram |
174 | Hierarchical structure of graphene oxide/ MnO2 electrodes for supercapacitor | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | Vol.2387, No.1, p.090004 November 2021 | Chandrasekaran Arumugam K.Senthil Kumar Sabitha Ravichandran Sangavi Marimuthu Pranesh Thangavel |
175 | Hierarchical Structure of Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Composite Flexible Supercapacitor | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | Vol.2387, No.1, p.090003 November 2021 | Chandrasekaran Arumugam K.Senthil Kumar Keerthika Gunasekaran Kirubasri Somasundaram Krishna Prasath Eswaramoorthi |
176 | Fabrication of ZnO – Carbonized Cotton Yarn Derived Hierarchical Porous Active Carbon Flexible Electrodes | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | Vol.2387, No.1, p.090005 November 2021 | K.Senthil Kumar Chandrasekaran Arumugam Logupriya Vadivel Saravanakumar Kandasamy Deepa Karuppaiah |
177 | An extensive analysis of mechanical, thermal and physical properties of jute fiber composites with different fiber orientations | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | International | Vol.28, pp.1-10 November 2021 | R.Gukendran M.Sambathkumar K.S.K.Sasikumar Mohammad S.Alsoufi Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim Suresh Muthusamy Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Ammar H.Elsheikh |
178 | Area efficient multiplier using NANO CMOS logic style | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | Vol.2387, No.1 p.090001 November 2021 | S.Sasikala S.Gomathi M.Chitra S.R.Nandhini |
179 | Design and development of zero carbon hydrogen hydrogen oxygen gas burners | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | Vol.2387, No.1,p.120002 November 2021 | S.Gomathi N.Kasthuri S.Sasikala M.Chitra N.Kultothungan P.Kishore R.Manikandan |
180 | A Design Framework for Smart Ration Shop Using Blockchain and IoT Technologies | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing | International | Vol.32, No.1 pp.605-619 October 2021 | D.Malathi Vijayakumar Ponnusamy S.Saravanan D.Deepa Tariq Ahamed Ahanger |
181 | Design and Implementation of FIR Filter Using Optimized CSLA For Signal Processing Applications | Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | International | Vol.53, No.9 pp.28-32 October 2021 | M.Chitra S.Sasikala A.Mounika R.Manjari S.Nandha kumar |
182 | Classification of Tumor of MRI Brain Image using Hybrid Feature Extraction Method and Support Vector Machine Classifier | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | International | Vol.11, No.10 pp.2558-2565 October 2021 | K.Kavin Kumar T.Meeradevi |
183 | Synthesis of activated carbon from black liquor for the application of supercapacitor | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronic | International | Vol.32, pp.25175-25187 September 2021 | P.Shanmugam K.Senthil Kumar Sathesh Thangmuthu Dhinesh Kumar Selvarasu Marimuthu Panchanathan Prasanna Venkatesh Ramanai Borje Sten Gevert |
184 | Certain Investigations on an Electroencephalogram (EEG) Montaging and Remontaging | Design Engineering | International | Vol.2021, No.7 pp.9851-9869 August 2021 | V.Ashok P.P.Janarthanan R.P.Karthik Encik MohdHelmy Bin Abd Wahab, Muhammad Mahadi Bin Abdul Jamil, Wan Suhaimizan Bin Wan Zaki, Aqilan Chandran |
185 | Identification of Features to Analyze the Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Electroencephalography | Design Engineering | International | Vol.2021, No.7 pp.9834-9850 August 2021 | V.Ashok R.P.Karthik P.P.Janarthanan Encik Mohd. Helmy Bin Abd. Wahab, Muhammad Mahadi Bin Abdul Jamil, Wan Suhaimizan Bin Wan Zaki, Maheenthran A/L Shanmugavelu |
186 | An efficient recognition system for preserving ancient historical documents of English characters | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | International | Vol.12, No.6 PP.6275-6283 August 2021 | V.Sathyanarayanan N.Kasthuri |
187 | Interscale adaptive threshold wavelet filter for ultrasound image despeckling | International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | International | Vol.36, No.3 pp.293-310 August 2021 | P.Nirmala Devi R.Asokan |
188 | A comparative energy and exergy efficiency study of hemispherical and single slope solar stills | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | International | Vol.28, No.27 pp.35649-35659 August 2021 | Mohammed El Hadi Atti Abd Elnaby Kabeel Abdelkader Bellila Athikesavan Muthu Manokar Ravishankar Sathyamurthy Zied Driss Suresh Muthusamy |
189 | SPAHN novel approach for PL-AG gateway discovery for internet connectivity | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | International | Vol.14, No.4 pp.2275-2284 July 2021 | K.Kannan P.Sivaranjani S.Sathish Kumar M.Nalini V.R.Balaji P.Sanjeevi |
190 | Domestic - Monitoring System for the Elderly using Deep Learning | Turkish online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry | International | Vol.12, No.3 pp.5237-5248 July 2021 | G.Deepa V.Suresh Kumar C.Hari Baskar T.Hari Prakathish J.Deepak Kumar |
191 | Diagnosed image of breast cancer by antenna MVDR beamforming algorithm with composites | Materials Today: Proceedings | International | Vol.46, No.9 pp.4207-4211 July 2021 | V.Nagaraju Abhisek Sethy Raja Sarath Kumar S.Balambigai K.Sakthisudan |
192 | Chemically Treated Activated Carbon for Supercapacitor Electrode Derived from Starch of Solanum Tuberosum | Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems | International | Vol.24, No.2 pp.78-83 July 2021 | K.Senthil Kumar S.Balambigai K.Hemalatha A.Chandrasekaran V.Suganthi M.Yuvasri D.Shreelogesh |
193 | A low-power True Single Phase Clock scan cell design for VLSI testing | Materials Today: Proceedings | International | Vol.45, No.2 pp.3153-3156 June 2021 | A.Arulmurugan V.R.Roobiha G.Narendran K.Praneshkumar C.Gokul |
194 | An improved genetic algorithm-based optimal sizing of solar photovoltaic/wind turbine generator/diesel generator/battery connected hybrid energy systems for standalone applications | International Journal of Ambient Energy | International | Vol.42, No.10 pp.1136-1143 June 2021 | M.Suresh R.Meenakumari |
195 | A Proposed Framework for Cloud-aware Multimodal Big Data Analysis toward Optimal Resource Allocation | The Computer Journal | International | Vol.64, No.6 pp.880-894 June 2021 | S.Sasikala S.Gomathi V.Geetha L.Murali |
196 | Survey and Analysis of Preprocessing of EEG Signal | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | International | Vol.25, No.6 pp.2461-2488 May 2021 | V.Ashok Muhammad Mahadi Bin Abdul Jamil G.Murugesan |
197 | Implementation of Sobel operator based image edge detection on FPGA | Materials Today: Proceedings | International | Vol.45, No.2 pp.2401-2407 May 2021 | G.Ravivarma K.Gavaskar D.Malathi K.G.Asha S.Ashok Aarthi |
198 | Thyroid nodules segmentation in clinical ultrasound images: A review | Materials Today: Proceedings | International | Vol.45, No.2 pp.2270-2276 May 2021 | Mayuresh B.Gulame V.Vaibhav Dixit M.Suresh |
199 | Visualization of virtual environment through LabVIEW platform | Materials Today: Proceedings | International | Vol.45, No.2 pp.2306-2312 May 2021 | S.Sivaranjani S.Velmurugan K.Kathiresan M.Karthik B.Gunapriya M.Gokul Suresh |
200 | Design of Triple Band Rectangular Patch Micro Strip Antenna | Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | International | Vol.32, No.3 pp.366-375 May 2021 | G.Deepa P.Sandhiya C.Sivasankari S.Subhashalini |
201 | Paradisiaca/Solanum Tuberosum Biowaste Composited with Graphene Oxide for Flexible Supercapacitor | Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems | International | Vol.24, No.1 pp.21-28 March 2021 | Senthil Kumar Kandasamy Chandrasekaran Arumugam A.S.Sajitha Saggurthi Prabhakara Rao Sangavi Selvaraj Ragavi Vetrivel Roobak Selvarajan Abeer Mohamed Alosaimi Anish Khan Mahmoud Ali Hussein Abdullah M. Asiri |
202 | A Comparative Study of Fabric Detection and Classification using Efficient Hybrid Learning Algorithm | Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | International | Vol.32, No.2 pp.942-947 April 2021 | K.Kavin kumar Eldho Paul R.S.Sabeenian M.E.Paramasivam V.Murugappan |
203 | Texture Image Classification using Hybridization Glrlm and Glwm Features | Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | International | Vol.32, No.2 pp.968-974 April 2021 | K.Kavin kumar P.M.Dinesh R.S.Sabeenian M.E.Paramasivam V.Murugappan |
204 | Segmentation and classification of brain tumors using modified median noise filter and deep learning approaches | Multimedia Tools and Applications an International Journal | International | Vol.80, No.8 pp.11789-11813 March 2021 | S.Sasikala P.Nirmala |
205 | Data Analytics and Resource Planning using Deep Learning for Overcoming Challenges of Covid-19 | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | International | Vol.25, No.2 pp.1884-1889 February 2021 | K.Kavin Kumar P.Anandan M.E.Paramasivam Eldho Paul P.M.Dinesh |
206 | Road and Sight Functions Detection and Recognition using Stacked Sparse Autoencoders (SSAE) | Annals of Romanian Society of Cell Biology | International | Vol.25, No.1 pp.1912-1926 February 2021 | T.C.Kalaiselvi S.Swathi |
207 | Artificial intelligent third umpire runout decision making using image processing | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, No.012095 February 2021 | P.Nirmala devi K.Manoj Senthil S. Selvavignesh |
208 | A Survey on Current Semantic level Algorithms for improving Performance in CBIR | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012118 February 2021 | A.Arun P.Nirmala devi |
209 | A Review on Speckle Noise Reduction Techniques in Ultrasound Medical images based on Spatial Domain, Transform Domain and CNN Methods | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012116 February 2021 | S.Pradeep P.Nirmala devi |
210 | A Machine learning approach to monitor Brain Health and epilepsy detection | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012091 February 2021 | M.Manimegalai P.Nirmaladevi V.Mekala S.Haripriya B.Jawahar M.Mageshkumar |
211 | Image recognition based billing system for fruit shop using raspberry PI | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012030 February 2021 | A.Vennila S.Balambigai G.Deepa M.Ilakkia P.Harshikaa devi V.Naagavignesh |
212 | Source Localization for Underwater acoustics using ESPIRIT Algorithm | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012023 February 2021 | V.R.Saraswathi C.Nithiesh S.Palani Kumaravel S.Ruphasri |
213 | Development of Cloud-Based Agriculture Marketing System with Intellectual Weigh Machine | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012016 February 2021 | V.Anbumani V.Geetha |
214 | IoT Based Well-organized Hostel Power Consumption and Attendance Administration System | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012015 February 2021 | V.Geetha V.Anbumani |
215 | Mitigating DoS attacks in IoT using Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms-A Survey | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012072 February 2021 | S.B.Gopal C.Poongodi D.Nanthiya R.Snega priya G.Saran M.Sathya Priya |
216 | Effective Pre-Migration Mechanism for Dynamic Load Balancing In Cloud Computing Environment | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | International | Vol.1055, p.012098 February 2021 | P.Keerthika S.B.Gopal V.Gokul |
217 | Optimum utilization of grid connected hybrid renewable energy sources using hybrid algorithm | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control | International | Vol.43, No.1 pp.21-33 January 2021 | M.Suresh R.Meenakumari |
218 | A Review on Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder using EEG based on the Machine Learning Techniques | Solid State Technology | International | Vol.63, No.5 pp.1-8 January 2021 | P.P.Janarthanan G. Murugesan V.Ashok |
219 | Design of Novel Fault Tolerance Ripple Carry Adder Based on QCA | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies | International | Vol.14, No.4 pp.390-393 December 2020 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar K.Hemalatha Naveen Natarajan Navin Kumar Sengottayan Netheeswaran Arunachalam Kumarvel Subramaniam Tamilselvan |
220 | Primary user emulation attack mitigation using neural network | Computers and Electrical Engineering | International | Vol.88, pp.1-10 December 2020 | Kottilingam Kottursamy T.Karthick M.B.Mukeshkrishnan D.Malathi Tariq Ahamed Ahanger |
221 | A review of artificial intelligence based optimization techniques for the sizing of integrated renewable 6energy systems in smart cities | Environmental Technology Reviews | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.111-136 December 2020 | Avinash Kaldate Shashikant Lokhande Hitesh Panchal M.Sureshv V.Priya |
222 | Flexible Kernel-Based Fuzzy Means Based Segmentation and Patch-Local Binary Patterns Feature Based Classification System Skin Cancer Detection | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | International | Vol.10, No.11 pp.2600–2608 November 2020 | S.Palpandi T.Meeradevi |
223 | Integrating Intelligence in Hydroponic Farms | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology | International | Vol.11, No.4 pp.150-158 June 2020 | V.R.Saraswathi C.Nithiesh S.Palani Kumaravel S.Ruphasri |
224 | Classification of Leukemia Using Convolution Neural Network | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine | International | Vol.7, No.4 pp.1286-1293 November 2020 | T.C.Kalaiselvi D.Santhosh Kumar K.S.Subhashre S.M.Siddharth |
225 | C shaped optical patch antenna with cross-shaped stub for Quad-band THz operation | Solid State Technology | International | Vol.63, No.6 pp.4586-4596 November 2020 | K.Kavinkumar Prasad Jones S.Christydass S.Asha P.Akila B.Mohan Praveen Kitti S.Priyadharshini |
226 | Optimization of dual threshold MOSFET for 1-bit full adder cell | International Journal of Modern Computation, Information and Communication Technology | International | Vol.3, No.11-12 pp.77-84 November 2020 | S.R.Nandhini J.Raja Nandhini K.Gavaskar R.Indhumathi |
227 | Productivity enhancement of solar still with thermoelectric modules from groundwater to produce potable water: A review | Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Elsevier | International | Vol.11, No.100429 pp.1 -12 October 2020 | Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Chintan Prajapati Mohammad Khalid Essa F.A S.Shanmugan Naimish Pandya M.Suresh Mohammad Israr Swapnil Dharaskar Abderrahmane Khechekhouche |
228 | Impacts of RF radiation from mobile phones on human health and its remedies | Journal of Applied Research and Technology | International | Vol.18, No.5 pp.269-278 October 2020 | L.VIjayalakshmi P.Nirmala Devi |
229 | Speech enhancement through improvised conditional generative adversarial networks | Microprocessors and Microsystems | International | Vol.79, pp.1-10 October 2020 | S.Balambigai Saravana Ram M.Vinoth Kumar Nebojsa Bacanin Miodrag Zivkovic Ivana Strumbergerca |
230 | An investigation on various text information extraction (Tie) algorithms for images | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research | International | Vol.8, No.9 pp.6007-6011 October 2020 | K.Kavinkumar M.E.Paramasivam P.Anandan P.M.Dinesh R.S.Sabeenian |
231 | Throughput stability and flow fairness enhancement of TCP traffic in multi-hop | wireless networks | International | Vol.26, pp.4689-4704 October 2020 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani |
232 | Design of ripple carry adder using pseudo-NMOS, dynamic circuits and pass transistor logic | International Journal of Modern Computation, Information and Communication Technology | International | Vol.3, No.9-10 pp.77-84 October 2020 | R.Indhumathi K.Gavaskar S.R.Nandhini J.Raja Nandhini |
233 | Design of carry select adder using 8T-full adder and 4T-multiplexer | International Journal of Modern Science and Technology | International | Vol.5, No.9-10 pp.246-250 October 2020 | G.Nirmal Raja K.Gavaskar |
234 | Thermal-aware Test Data Compression for System-on-Chip Based on Modified Bitmask Based Methods | Journal of Electronic Testing | International | Vol.36 , No.5 pp.577-590 October 2020 | A.Arulmurugan G.Murugesan B.Vivek |
235 | Hybrid Optimal Algorithm-based 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform for Image Compression using Fractional KCA | Springer-Multimedia Systems | International | Vol.6, No.26 pp. 687 -702 August 2020 | V.Geetha V.Anbumani G.Murugesan S.Gomathi |
236 | A Comparative Study of Active and Passive Mixers at Sub 6 GHz for Broadcasting Applications | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research | International | Vol.8, No.7 pp.2913-2918 August 2020 | G.Thirunavukkarasu G.Murugesan S.Mithira R.Kavimani M.Muthupranesh |
237 | An Improved LSB Data Steganography using Elliptic Curve Cryptography | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.06-11 August 2020 | G.Ravivarma K.Gavaskar N.S.K.Kavitha K.Shahanas Banu K.G.Asha S.Aarthi |
238 | An Improved Method on Electronic EYE for Weaving Loom | International journal of mechanical and production engineering research and development | International | Vol.10, No.3 pp.9985-9992 August 2020 | K.Geetha V.C.Diniesh N.Arun Prasath J.Sujitha |
239 | Compact Hexagonal Ultra Wideband Fractal Array Antenna for Wireless Body Area Networks | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.8 pp.462-472 August 2020 | V.Dinesh J.Vijayalakshmi G.Vignesh G.K.Vishagan |
240 | Implementation of Spurious Power Suppression Technique (SPST) Adder for Signal Processing and Communication | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.39-44 August 2020 | S.Gomathi S.Sasikala M.Chitra S.Ramya M.Nandhini Pratheep |
241 | Design of Partitioned VLSI Systems for Reliable Processing | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.340-343 August 2020 | M.Chitra Sitadevi Bharathula S.Suganya M.Suresh |
242 | Layout based control of electrical appliances using internet of things | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.349-353 August 2020 | T.C.Kalaiselvi S.Swathi |
243 | Multimetric RPL for Heterogeneous IoT Environment | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.29-33 August 2020 | G.Murugesan V.C.Diniesh M.Suresh N.Nishrhutha B.Navitha Banu C.Ranjith Babu |
244 | An Experimental Study and analysis of impact on mobile sink in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey | Springer Conference Proceedings volume titled “Advances in Smart System Technologies” in the book series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | International | Vol.1163, pp.253-260 August 2020 | V.C.Diniesh G.Murugesan M.Joseph Auxilius Jude E.M.Jayanth N.Rishikesh K.Nanthini |
245 | Design and Implementation of Improved Three Port Converter and B4-Inverter Fed Brushless Direct Current Motor Drive System for Industrial Applications | IEEE Access (Special Section on Evolving Technologies in Energy Storage systems for Energy Systems Application) | International | Vol.8, pp.149093 – 149112 August 2020 | S.Sathish Kumar R.Sasikala A.SenthilKumar P.Sanjeevi Anand Nayyar Eklas Hossian |
246 | Abnormality Detection of Optic Disc using Entropy based Algorithm and CNN | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.237-243 August 2020 | N.S.Kavitha N.Kasthuri S.Logaarasi S.Monika G.Muthukumar |
247 | VLSI Architecture for AES Encryption | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.783-787 July 2020 | D.Malathi P.Mythili N.Jesema Sulthana S.Harinie |
248 | Advanced ATM Security and Theft Detection using Raspberry PI | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.1821-1835 July 2020 | V.Dinesh J.Vijayalakshmi Adluri Srinivas R.Dinesh Kumar S.Gokulesh |
249 | Design of Glass Frame Antenna for Wireless Applications | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.1880-1886 July 2020 | J.Vijayalakshmi V.Dinesh B.Deepana A.Gnanasowdari A.Deepa A.Amutha |
250 | Performance Analysis of Optimization of Convolution Operation In Neural Network Using Loop Optimization Technique | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.797-805 July 2020 | P.Sivaranjani D.Malathi K.Akash |
251 | Performance analysis of evacuated tubes coupled solar still with double basin solar still and solid fins | International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor and Francis | International | Vol.41, No.9 pp.1031-1037 July 2020 | H.Panchal K.Kumar Sadasivuni M.Suresh S.Yadav S.Brahmbhatt |
252 | Design of Adaptive Filter for Biosignal Noise Cancellation Using Brent Kung Adder | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research | International | Vol.8, No.7 pp.3111-3115 July 2020 | S.Gomathi S.Sasikala K.Meenakshi D.Karpagapriya S.Ilakiya |
253 | Computer Vision based Real Time Tracking System to Identify Overtaking Vehicles for Safety Precaution using Single Board Computer | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | International | Vol.12, No.7 pp.1551-1561 July 2020 | S.Sathesh V.A.Pradheep S.Maheswaran P.Premkumar S.Gokulnathan P.Sriram |
254 | Obstacle Avoiding Shoe for Visually Impaired | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.1232-1238 July 2020 | K.Hemalatha S.Gowtham R.Agatheswaran S.Gokulnath |
255 | Long Range (LoRa) Based Ambulance Monitoring System | Journal of Xidian University | International | Vol.14, No.7 pp.1232-1238 July 2020 | P.Sivaranjani M.Agalya A.Ayisha S.Abinanth |
256 | Secured smart home using blockchain technology | Gedrage and organisite review | International | Vol.33, No.2 pp.2480-2489 June 2020 | S.B.Gopal C.Poongodi D.Nanthiya A.Jeevanantham D.Sumithra P.Tharani S.Umasri |
257 | Smart Agri-Monitoring System using Cloud and Web Technology | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.81-87 June 2020 | V.Mekala K.S.Tamilselvan N.Prabu Ram M.Manimegalai Vibin Mammen Vinod K.Sasipriya K.Selvakani J.Sriram Gautham |
258 | Advanced Circular System with Audio System | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.29, No.7 pp. 4742-4748 June 2020 | G.Deepa V.Govindarajan S.Senthil Kumar P.Abinesh V.S.Adhitya Guhan R.Gokul |
259 | Automatic Fire Extinguishing Robot | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.29, No.7 pp.4709-4715 June 2020 | G.Deepa S.Balambigai A.Vennila A.S.Hariahran V.UdhayaPrakash R.Krishnaprasath |
260 | Design and Development of Chemical Free Green Embedded Weeder for Row Based Crops | Journal of Green Engineering | International | Vol.10, No.5 pp.2103-2120 June 2020 | S.Maheswaran S.Sathesh M.Gayathir E.D.Bhaarathei D.Kavin |
261 | Automatic fish feeding and cleaning system | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.109-113 June 2020 | M.Manimegalai V.Mekala Vibin Mammen Vinod K.V.Srinivasan V.Vanmathi |
262 | Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science Clarivate Analytics USA and Crossref Indexed Journal | Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting for Wireless Devices | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.257-254 June 2020 | V.Dinesh J.Vijayalakshmi P.Gowsika S.Gokulesh R.Dinesh Kumar |
263 | Performance Analysis of a Low-Power High-Speed Hybrid Multiplier Circuit | International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.3793-3797 June 2020 | S.Sasikala S.Gomathi M.Kanimozhi M.Kanimozh K.S.Lakshana R.Karthik |
264 | High Speed and Energy Efficient FIR Filter Using Concatenation Incrementation Carry Skip Adder | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research | International | Vol.8, No.6 pp.2530-2534 June 2020 | S.Sasikala M.Chitra M.Kawya S.Kiruthika R.G.Lavanya |
265 | Design of Low Area and High Speed Parallel FIR Digital Filter using Fast FIR Algorithm | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research | International | Vol.8, No.6 pp.2861-2867 June 2020 | S.Gomathi S.Sasikala D.Karpagapriya S.Kowsalya M.S.Karan Kishore Ananth |
266 | Design and Implementation of Adaptive Filter using Kogge Stone Adder | Biscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.265-270 June 2020 | S.Gomathi S.Sasikala M.Kanimozhi R.Karthik M.S.Karan Kishore Ananth |
267 | Synthesis of Chemically Modified Activated Carbon for Supercapacitor Electrode Derived from Fibers of Musa paradisiaca | International Journal on Emerging Technologies | International | Vol.11, No.3 pp.565-569 June 2020 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar V.Logupriya G.Madhumitha N.Nanthakumar K.Kannan |
268 | A Comprehensive Survey on Intrusion Detection Mechanisms for IoT Based Smart Environments | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Special Issue | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.88-95 June 2020 | Vibin Mammen Vinod M.Saranya V.Mekala N.Prabhu Ram M.Manimegalai J.Vijayalakshmi |
269 | A Novel Feature Extraction and Classification of Degraded Historical Documents | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.29, No.5 pp.12058-12067 June 2020 | V.Sathya Narayanan N.Kasthuri N.S.Dharavi M.Gokulapriya K.S.Lakshana |
270 | A Deftly Anticipated Augmented Reality in Restaurant | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.29, No.6 pp.7651-7658 June 2020 | V.Sathya Narayanan R.Ramyea R.Vinoth Kumar C.S.Thiru Selvam B.Vishnu Priyan |
271 | Compression techniques for electrocardiogram | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.54-58 June 2020 | S.Balambigai N.Kasthuri N.S.Kavitha P.P.Janarthanan T.Gunasekaran V.Priya |
272 | Detection of Microaneurysms using Automatic Mass Screening and Diagnosis Model | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications | International | Vol.13, No.4 pp.257-251 June 2020 | N.S.Kavitha N.Kasthuri S.Balambigai V.Priya R.Priyadharshini N.Nivedhitha J.B.Ponlakshminarasimman |
273 | Gradient active contour driven lung segmentation and lung nodule detection system | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | International | Vol.24 , No.8 pp.14939-14947 June 2020 | S.Palpandi T.Meeradevi S.Prabu |
274 | Design and Development of Reliable High Speed Cost-Effective IoT Based Vehicle Pollution Administration System | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.29, No.4 pp.3139-3147 June 2020 | V.Geetha V.Anbumani R.Parameshwaran |
275 | Design of Cascaded adaptive filter for ECG denoising applications | International journal of emerging trends in engineering research | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.1850-1853 May 2020 | M.Chitra S.Sasikala S.Gomathi A.Neetheswaran C.Reetha |
276 | Throughput stability and flow fairness enhancement of TCP traffic in multi-hop wireless networks | Springer wireless networks | International | pp.1-16, May 2020 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude V.C.Diniesh M.Shivaranjani |
277 | Cyclostationary Based Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio Networks With Rls Filter | International journal of advanced science and technology | International | Vol.29, No.5 pp.6890-6898 May 2020 | R.Ramyea N.Kasthuri S.Balamibigai |
278 | FPGA Implementation of Adaptive LMS Lattice Filter | Bioscience biotechnology research communication | International | Vol.13, No.3 pp.121, May 2020 | S.Sasikala S.Gomathi D.Naveen Kumar R.K.Praveenraaj B.Priyadharshini |
279 | High-Speed Intelligent Surveillance System for Security Applications | International journal of advanced science and technology | International | Vol.29, No.5 pp.8880-8892 May 2020 | N.Kasthuri Pragash N Nagaiyan RagulVenkatesh Murugesan Navaladi Palanisamy Sabareeswaran Saravanan Prabhu Periyasamy |
280 | Intelligence search of Precious Liquid | International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.3704-3707 April 2020 | M.Manimeghalai P.P.Janarthanan S.Selvapriya V.Suganthan S.Vinith |
281 | Wideband Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network | International journal of advanced science and technology | International | Vol.29, No.3 pp.7687-7696 April 2020 | R.Ramyea V.Sathya Narayanan S.Sowntharya M.Yoga Lakshmi P.M.Vishal Kumar |
282 | A Customizable Cartographic Air Pollution Monitoring System | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.1675-1678 April 2020 | Vibin Mammen Vinod V.Mekala S.Abinaya Adluri Srinivas S.Arun |
283 | Preparation of Chemically Modified Porous Carbon Networks Derived from Citrus Sinensis Flavedos as Electrode Material for Supercapacitor | International journal of electrochemical science | International | Vol.15, No.4 pp.4379-4387 April 2020 | D.Malathi K.Senthil Kumar P.Shanmugam S.Sangavi V.Ragavi S.Roobak G.Murugesan K.Kannan |
284 | Automation for Pulp Mixing in Paper Industries | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.3240-3243 April 2020 | P.Nirmala Devi V.Vigneswaran S.Sowmitha M.K.Sri Surya |
285 | Design and Analysis of High Gain 2x1, 4x1, 8x1 and 8x8 Circular Patch Antenna Arrays for 2.4ghz Applications | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.834-841 April 2020 | J.Vijayalakshmi V.Dinesh S.Rubasri |
286 | A new Connected Component Analysis based System for Text Segmentation in Degraded Historical Document Images | International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering | International | Vol.9, No.6 pp.69-75 April 2020 | V.Sathya Narayanan N.Kasthuri T.Dharani D.Deepa |
287 | Design of Circular Antenna with Codirectional CSRR for Penta Band Applications | International journal of advanced science and technology | International | Vol.29, No.3 pp.9063-9072 April 2020 | J.Vijayalakshmi S.B.Vinay Kumar Radhika Baskar Prasad Jones Christydass |
288 | Optimization of Cluster Head Election in VANET | Test engineering and management | International | Vol.83, pp.11631-11636 April 2020 | G.Deepa S.Balambigai P.P.Janarthanan J.Kousalya K.Medhini R.Nandhini |
289 | Cross Layer Design Method for Efficient Data Delivery in VANET for City Scenarios | Test engineering and management | International | Vol.83,
pp.11626-11630 April 2020 | G.Deepa V.Govindarajan S.Balambigai S.Sowntharya M.Yoga Lakshmi P.M.Vishal Kumar |
290 | Maximization of biodiesel production from sunflower and soybean oils and prediction of diesel engine performance and emission characteristics through response surface methodology | Fuel, Elsevier | International | Vol.266, pp.1-17 April 2020 | Medhat Elkelawy Hagar Alm Bastawissi Khaled Khodary Ahmed Mohammed Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Muthusamy Suresh Mohammad Israr |
291 | Effect of fin configuration parameters on performance of solar still: A review | Ground water for sustainable development, Elsevier | International | Vol.10, pp.1-9 April 2020 | Dinesh Mevada Hitesh Panchal Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Mohammad Israr M.Suresh Swapnil Dharaskar Hemin Thakkar |
292 | Use of Solar Photovoltaic with active solar still to improve distillate output: A review | Groundwater for sustainable development, Elsevier | International | Vol.10, pp.1-8 April 2020 | Kamlesh Bansal Bharat Ramani Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Hitesh Panchal Muthu Manokar Ravishankar Sathyamurthy A.E.Kabeel M.Suresh Mohammad Israr |
293 | Fire Detection Using CNN Approach | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.3849-3853 April 2020 | N.Prabhu Ram R.Gokul Kannan V.Gowdham R.Arul Vignesh |
294 | Smart Poultry Monitoring and Control System- A Suitable Approach for Environmental Issues in Poultry Farming | Journal of green engineering | International | Vol.10, No.4 pp.1584-1598 April 2020 | V.Mekala K.S.TamilSelvan R.Swathi P.SivaRanjani M.Manimegalai |
295 | An Intelligent Fuzzy Based Low-Cost Winnowing Machine for Paddy, Sesame and Sorghum Grains for Pollution Free Environment | Journal of green engineering | International | Vol.10, No.4 pp.1599-1617 April 2020 | B.Vivek S.Maheswaran N.Aravind S.Dharavi B.Dhinesh Kumar |
296 | Design and Simulation of Quantum Adder using IBM Quantum Experience | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.1629-1632 March2020 | G.Ravivarma K.Gavaskar N.S.Kavitha |
297 | A Robust Low Power Gating Scan Cell Design | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.5395-5398 March 2020 | A.Arulmurugan A.P.Ajith M.Balaji K.Gowsalya |
298 | Efficient Design of Control Logic Block in Dual Port Memory | International journal of recent technology and engineering | International | Vol.8, No.6 pp.841-845 March 2020 | A.Chandrasekaran K.N.Senthil Kumar S.Vishnu kumar mani K.Tilak Raaj Suryaprakash |
299 | Impact of High-K Gate Dielectrics on Short Channel Effects of DG N-Finfet | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.2023-2026 March 2020 | K.Meenakshi G.Murugesan |
300 | A Study on Epidemiology and Its Models | Indian journal of public health research and development | International | Vol.11, No.3 pp.315 March 2020 | S.Balambigai S.Siva Shankar Gayatri Parasa M.Mary Sujatha |
301 | Light Beam Synchronising System For Automobiles | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.241-243 March 2020 | T.Meeradevi K.M.SharavanaRaju S.Raja Kavya S.Prashanth S.Navaneetha Kumar |
302 | IOT Based Guidance And Assistive System For Supermarket Shopping | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.6465-6469 March 2020 | V.Mekala R.Keerthana M.Kawya S.Kavi Prasath |
303 | A Comprehensive Study on Academic and Industry Authentication and Attendance Systems | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.5426-5432 March 2020 | Vibin Mammen Vinod S.Thokaiandal C.S.Sindhuja V.Mekala M.Manimegalai N.Prabhuram |
304 | Combining statistical models using modified spectral subtraction method for embedded system | Microprocessors and microsystems | International | Vol.73, pp.1-10 March 2020 | V.R.Balaji S.Maheswaran M.Rajesh Babu M.Kowsigan E.Prabhu K.Venkatachalam |
305 | Efficient fire detection using hog feature extraction in machine learning | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.3, No.9 pp.6291-6294 March 2020 | N.Prabhu Ram S.Mithira SV.Kavi S.Ilakiya |
306 | A Review of Embedded System Based Coffee Maker Machines | International journal of scientific & technology | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.574 March 2020 | R.P.Karthik S.Kavipriya T.Kaushika D.Magudeeswaran |
307 | Noninvasive Technique for Diabetic Prediction Using ECG and PPG Signal Parameters | International journal of advanced science and technology | International | Vol.29, No.3 pp.6504-6512 March 2020 | N.Kasthuri V.Sathya Narayanan A.M.Hari Shri Ram S.Jaishree R.Krishna Prasath M.Mohamed Arish |
308 | A Modified Tunable – Q Wavelet Transform Approach for Tamil Speech Enhancement | IETE journal of research | International | Vol.1, No.1 pp.1-13 March 2020 | J.Indra R.Kiruba Shankar N.Kasthuri S.Geetha manjuri |
309 | Nonlinear Vector Decomposed Neural Network based EEG signal feature extraction and detection of seizure | Journal of microprocessor and microsystems | International | Vol.76, No.1 pp.1-11 March 2020 | R.Mouleesuwarapprabhu N.Kasthuri |
310 | Solution for the Problems in RADAR Systems from SNR Gain Expressions and Blackout Likelihood Detection for Aviation Systems | International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering | International | Vol.9, No.5 pp.980-982 March 2020 | N.Kasthuri S.Yuvashree |
311 | A review on the detection and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders | International journal of scientific and technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.1588-1589 March 2020 | P.P.Janarthanan M.S.Kaviya Dharshini C.Kaviya V.Jagapriya |
312 | Electroencephalography for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.3400-3402 March 2020 | K.Hemalatha P.P.Janarthanan E.Rakshana R.Naveen Kumar K.Raj Kumar |
313 | Food Management System Based on Fingerprint Authentication | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.1962-1965 March 2020 | K.Manoj Senthil Praveen Raj Navin Kumar Narendran |
314 | GSM Based Automation of Gas Stove | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.2019-2022 March 2020 | K.Manoj Senthil R.Karthick M.Kavin S.I.Musthakahamed |
315 | Development of Machine Learning Based Grain Classification and Sorting with Machine Vision Approach for Eco-Friendly Environment | Journal of green engineering | International | Vol.10, No.3 pp.526-543 March 2020 | S.Maheswaran B.Vivek P.Sivaranjani S.Sathesh K.Pon Vignesh |
316 | An Efficient Binarization and Segmentation Technique for the Recognition of Ancient Degraded Historical Documents | International journal of scientific & technology research | International | Vol.9, No.3 pp.3319-3322 March 2020 | V.Sathya Narayanan N.Kasthuri V.Udhayaprakash R.Vinoth Kumar B.Vishnu Priyan |
317 | Automatic plastic waste segregation and sorting using deep learning model | International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.5773-5777 February 2020 | T.Meeradevi K.Sharavana Raju Vigneshkumaran |
318 | Automatic Detection of Mismatched Pattern in Punched Cards for Small Scale Power Loom Applications | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.415-417 February 2020 | A.Vennila V.R.Saraswathy M.Illakia P.Harshikka Devi V.Naagavighnesh |
319 | VLSI Architecture for Cipher in 5G New Radio | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.861-864 February 2020 | D.Malathi S.Suvetha S.Sanmuganathan K.Vignesh |
320 | Design of Flexible Antenna for Wearable Applications | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.2919-2921 February 2020 | G.Murugesan J.Vijayalakshmi V.Dinesh B.Gnanasowndari A.Deepana S.Balaji |
321 | Lane Keeping Assist System | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.1752-1755 February 2020 | K.Manojsenthil R.D.Vinod R.Shobiga Sherline |
322 | Effect of Compression on Transmission of Color Image and Performance Improvement with Convolutional Encoding Over AWGN Channel | Jour of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | International | Vol.12, No.1 pp.308-316 February 2020 | N.Kasthuri M.Rakul Venkatesh S.Sabareeswaran P.Prabhu |
323 | Early Detection of Autism using SVM Classifier | TEST Engineering Management | International | Vol.82, No.1 pp.7947-7952 February 2020 | P.P.Janarthanan V.Ashok Muhammad Mahadibin Abdul Jamil Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab S.Sivaranjani |
324 | Automatic Medicine Teller | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.1517-1520 February 2020 | P.Sivaranjani M.Agalya A.Ayisha S.Abinanth |
325 | Smart Window System using Arm Microcontroller | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.2397-2400 February 2020 | P.Sivaranjani P.Keerthana S.Rajesh Kumar S.Naveen Kumar M.Rankish |
326 | A Study on Detection of Tuberculosis from Chest X Ray Images and Microscopic Images based on Deep Learning Techniques | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.5186-5188 February 2020 | S.Balambigai M.M.Harinikka S.Kritthika N.Harishankar |
327 | Discovery of Asteroids | Jour of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | International | Vol.12, No.1 pp.301-307 February 2020 | G.Murugesan S.Maheswaran S.Selvapriya V.Sugunthan S.Vinith B.Vivek S.Satheesh |
328 | An Optimised Neural Network-Based Spectrum Prediction Scheme for Cognitive Radio | Journal of Enterprise Network Management | International | Vol.11, No.1 pp.76-93 February 2020 | B.Bhuvaneswari T.Meeradevi |
329 | Automatic Plastic Waste Segregation and Sorting using Deep Learning Model | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.5773-5777 February 2020 | T.Meeradevi K.Sharavana Raju K.Vignesh |
330 | Compact Hexagonal Ultra Wide Band Fractal Antenna for Wireless Body Area Networks | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.3024-3028 February 2020 | V.Dinesh J.Vijiyalakshmi B.Vinesh G.Vignesh S.Selva Saravanan |
331 | Design of Transparent Rectangular Patch Antenna for 5G Applications | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.2957-2962 February 2020 | V.Dinesh J.Vijiyalakshmi B.Dhivya |
332 | Digital Identification Address from Handwritten Address in Postcards | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.1663-1667 February 2020 | V.Mekala M.Manimegalai K.Sasipriya K.Selvakani J.Sriram Gowtham |
333 | An IoT enabled Smart Garbage Management System for Smart Cities – Indian Scenario | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.4 pp.2688-2692 February 2020 | Vibin Mammen Vinod K.S.Tamilselvan P.Visvapriya M.Vishnudevi C.S.Thiruselvam |
334 | Design of Industrial Data Monitoring Device using Iot Through MODBUS Protocol | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.1392-1396 January 2020 | G.Mageshkumar N.Kasthuri K.S.Tamilselvan S.Suthagar A.Sharmila |
335 | A Fast and Energy Efficient Path Planning Algorithm for Offline Navigation using SVM Classifier | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.2082-2086 January 2020 | N.Prabhuram Vibin Mammen Vinod M.Mekala M.Manimegalai |
336 | Translation of Sign Language for Deaf and Dumb People | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.5 pp.5592-5595 January 2020 | S.Sudhagar K.S.Tamilselvan P.Balakumar C.Rajalakshmi C.Roshini |
337 | Minimum Energy Consumption Objective Function for RPL in Internet of Things | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.3395-3402 January 2020 | S.B.Gopal C.Poongodi M.Joseph Auxilius Jude S.Umasri D.Sumithra P.Tharani |
338 | Automatic Diagnosis of Glaucoma using Image Processing Technique | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.3984-3987 December 2019 | N.S.Kavitha N.Kasthuri K.Hemalatha G.Ravivarma |
339 | Performance Analysis of Karatsuba Vedic Multiplier and Computation Sharing Multiplier in the Adaptive Filter Design | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.4425-4429 December 2019 | S.Gomathi S.Sasikala G.Murugesan |
340 | Diabetic retinopathy – Feature extraction and classification using adaptive super pixel algorithm | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.618-627 December 2019 | S.Balambigai V.Saravanan Rudra KalyanNayak T.Gunasekaran S.Hariprasath |
341 | Lemon leaf disease detection and classification using SVM and CNN | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.11485-11488 November 2019 | S.Balambigai S.Jayashree S.Kiruthika S.Miruthula |
342 | Design of Novel SRAM Cell Using Hybrid VLSI Techniques for Low Leakage and High Speed in Embedded Memories | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.108, No.4 pp.2311-2339 October 2019 | K.Gavaskar U.S.Ragupathy V.Malini |
343 | Proposed Design of 1 KB Memory Array Structure for Cache Memories | Wireless Personal Communications | International | Vol.108, No.4 pp.2311-2339 October 2019 | K.Gavaskar U.S.Ragupathy V.Malini |
344 | A Hybrid Topological Designof Led Driver for Automotive Applications | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.5630-5633 November 2019 | Vibin Mammen Vinod V.Mekala M.Manimegalai N.Prabhuram P.Arun Kumar |
345 | Performance of Various ICA Algorithms for an Electrocardiogram Signal | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.1420-1425 November 2019 | S.Balambigai |
346 | Detection of microbial activity in raw milk | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.578-581 November 2019 | S.Balambigai |
347 | High Speed FIR Filter Design using Multiplier Sharing and Sub-Expression Elimination Method | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.7414-7417 November 2019 | M.Chitra S.Priyanka V.C.Prabha S.Ramya |
348 | Development of Ingenious Floor Cleaner using ARDUINO | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.4 pp.5848-5853 November 2019 | V.Anbumani V.Geetha V.Renugha V.Praveenkumar |
349 | Face Recognition Based Attendance System | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.12 pp.520-525 October 2019 | V.Mekala Vibin MammenVinod M.Manimegalai K.Nandhini |
350 | Implementation of Efficient Architecture of Fine Grain Pipelined Lifting Scheme Based Two Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.12 pp.225-229 October 2019 | V.Anbumani V.Geetha G.Murugesan |
351 | Performance Assessment of Different VLSI Architectures for Data Comparators for Cost-Effective Sorting Networks | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.5485-5490 October 2019 | V.Geetha V.Anbumani K.Ragakavya P.Navaladi S.Ponraj |
352 | Advanced Highly Reliable and Accurate Automated Billing System Using Spread Spectrum Technique | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | International | Vol.14, No.21 pp.4027-4029 October 2019 | N.Pragash Nagaiyan G.Murugesan |
353 | Automated Milk Quantity and Quality Checking and Vending Machine | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | International | Vol.8, No.3 pp.4369-4372 September 2019 | S.Sudhagar K.S.Tamilselvan G.Mageshkumar S.Muthupandian Vibin MammenVinod |
354 | Low power self-controllable voltage level and low swing logic based 11T SRAM cell for high speed CMOS circuits | Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing | International | Vol.100, No.1 pp.61-77 July 2019 | K.Gavaskar U.S.Ragupathy |
355 | A miniaturized planar antenna with defective ground structure for UWB applications | IEICE Electronics Express | International | Vol.14, No.14 pp.1-6 July 2019 | V.Dinesh G.Murugesan |
356 | Structural and Electrochemical Analysis of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Graphene / Polypyrrole Nanocomposite for Supercapacitor | International Journal of Electrochemical Science | International | Vol.14, No.5 pp.4718-4729 May 2019 | K.Senthil Kumar K.Kannan |
357 | A Non Invasive Technique to Detect Thyroid using Infrared Sensor | International Journal of Computer Applications | International | Vol.182, No.42 pp.15-18 February 2019 | M.Malathi S.Balambigai P.Keerthigasri |
358 | Design and Evaluation of a Majority Gate Based Encoder in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems | National | Vol.4, No.1 pp.1-11 January 2019 | A.Chandrasekaran K.Senthil Kumar K.Hemalatha |
359 | A CPW-Fed Hexagonal Antenna with Fractal Elements for UWB Applications | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences | International | Vol.13, No.1 pp.73-79 January 2019 | V.Dinesh G.Murugesan |
360 | IOT Based Online Transformer Maintenance System | Indian Journal of Applied Research | International | Vol.9, No.1 pp.374-375 January 2019 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan G.Mageshkumar S.Suthagar |
361 | An Efficient Method for Brain Tumor Detection Using Texture Features and SVM Classifier in MR Images | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | International | Vol.19, No.6 pp.2789-2794 September 2018 | K.Kavin Kumar T.Meera Devi S.Maheswaran |
362 | Android based vehicle speed control system in critical zones using GPS Technology | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering | International | Vol.7, No.6 pp.639-644 June 2018 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan S.Sudhakar |
363 | Genetic Algorithm-based thermal uniformity-aware X-filling to reduce peak temperature during testing | Measurement and Control | International | DOI:10.1177/ 0020294018784969 | A.Arulmurugan G.Govindasamy |
364 | Low power self-controllable voltage level and low swing logic based 11T SRAM cell for high speed CMOS circuits | Springer-Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing | International | DOI:10.1007/ s10470-018-1277-3 | K.Gavaskar U.S.Ragupathy |
365 | Safety Automation in Vehicle Overtaking | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) | International | Vol.2,No.2 pp.846-851 June 2018 | M.Monica Devi P.Karthika Devi T.C.Kalaiselvi |
366 | Analysis of Transverse Magnetic Modes in Microstrip Patch Antenna | Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology | International | Vol.2, No.2 pp.759-766 April 2018 | V.Dinesh T.Anu |
367 | A Wearable embedded device for chronic low back patients to track lumbar spine position | Biomedical research - computational life sciences and smarter technological advancement | International | Special Issue pp.118-123 February 2018 | S.Maheshwaran |
368 | ECG signal classification and parameter estimation using multiwavelet transform | Biomedical research | International | Vol.28, No.7 pp.3187-3193 October 2017 | S.Balambigai |
369 | Low power Delay Insensitive FIR Filter Architecture | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | International | Vol.14, No.11 pp.5627-5631 2017 | D.Malathi |
370 | Implementation of EEG based BCI For Mental status monitoring using LabView | International Journal of Control theory and applications | International | Vol.10, No.6 pp.303-314 2017 | V.Ashok P.P.Janarthanan |
371 | Design of an Efficient Full Adder Based on 5- Input Majority Gate In Coplanar Quantum Dot Cellular Automata | Journal of power electronics and devices | International | Vol .3, No.2 pp.1-8 2017 | K.Senthilkumar A.Chandrasekaran |
372 | Low power methidology for SRAM Memory using Dynamic Threshold MOS Transistor | International Journal of Modern science and technology | International | Vol.2, No.10 pp.328-336 2017 | K.Gavaskar |
373 | A Feedback aware reliable transport protocol with improved increment window increment mechanism for inter vehicular wireless network | Springer - Wireless Personal Communication | International | Vol.98, No.1 pp.1119-1134 August 2017 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude V.C.Dinesh |
374 | Performance Analysis of Feature-Based Lung Tumor Detection and Classification | Current Medical Imaging Reviews | International | Vol.13 No.3 pp.339–347 August 2017 | K.Manoj Senthil T.Meeradevi |
375 | Certain Investigations on EC-A Algorithm for Energy Minimization in Multiprocessor Systems | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | International | Vol.9, No.6 pp.281-290 July 2017 | V.Ashok P.P.Janarthanan |
376 | Battery less thermo electric energy harvesting generator for implantable medical electronic devices | Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement | International | Special Issue pp.1-6 June 2017 | D.Malathi K.Sabitha |
377 | Battery less thermo electric energy harvesting generator for implantable medical electronic devices | Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement | International | Special Issue pp.1-6 June 2017 | D.Malathi K.Sabitha |
378 | Certain Investigations on EC-A Algorithm for Energy Minimization in Multiprocessor Systems | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | International | Vol.9, No.6 pp.281-290 2017 | V.Ashok P.P.Janarthanan Mohana Sundaram |
379 | AMD Analysis on RPE Layer Transform Prediction from Oct Image Victimization by SVM Classifier | International Journal of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering | International | Vol.3, No.1 pp.46-52 March 2017 | T.MeeraDevi S.Palpandi S.Purushothaman |
380 | Performance analysis of Horner’s rule-based canonical signed digit lifting architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform | International journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | International | Vol.23, No.2 pp.123-136 March 2017 | G.Murugesan V.Geetha |
381 | Efficient digit serial architecture for sign based least mean square adaptive filter for denoising of artefacts in ECG signals | International journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | International | Vol.23, No.2 pp.335-344 March 2017 | G.Murugesan S.Sasikala |
382 | Enhanced window increment and adaptive recovery TCP for multi-hop wireless networks | IET Electronics Letters | International | Vol.53, No.6 pp.438-440 January 2017 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude S.Kuppuswami |
383 | A Novel Edge Preserving Improved Adaptive Wavelet Filter (EPIAWF) for Speckle Removal in Ultrasound Images | Current Medical Imaging Reviews | International | Vol.13, No.2 2017 | P.Nirmaladevi R.Asokan |
384 | Performance Comparison of Multiwavelet and Multicontourlet Frame Based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy in Remote Sensing Images | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | International | DOI :10.1007/S12524- 016-0655-5 January 2017 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri N.Kousika |
385 | Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization-Firefly algorithm (HPSOFF) for combinatorial optimization of non-slicing VLSI floorplanning | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | International | Vol.32, No.1 pp.661-669 January 2017 | P.Sivaranjani A.Senthil Kumar |
386 | Design of Low Power Switched Capacitor Amplifier using CMOS Hybrid Switches | Journal of Advances in Chemistry | International | Vol.13, No.1 pp.10-14 January 2017 | D.Malathi |
387 | An Efficient Design and Analysis of Low Power SRAM Memory Cell for Ultra Applications | Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities | International | Vol.7, No.1 pp.962-964 January 2017 | K.Gavaskar U.S.Ragupathy |
388 | Investigation on the Compression of Electrocardiogram Signals using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform | IETE Journal of Research | International | 03772063. 2016.1275988 | S.Balambigai R.Asokan |
389 | Non Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement in Blood by using NIR Sensor | Journal of Advances in Chemistry | International | Vol.13, No.1 pp.5929-5932 January 2017 | S.Balambigai |
390 | Design and Verification of I2C Master Controller using System Verilog | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development | International | Special Issue pp.58-60 December 2016 | K.Gavaskar M.Sukhanya |
391 | Development of Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion Based CAD System for Brain Tumor Identification | International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences | International | Vol.4, No.5 pp.3087-3095 December 2016 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan |
392 | UWB slotted circular disc monopole antenna with inverted U shaped defected ground plane for brain cancer detection | Journal of Advances in Chemistry | International | Vol.12, No.22 pp.5408-5414 December 2016 | J.Vijayalakshmi G.Murugesan |
393 | Coplanar waveguide fed hexagonal shaped slot antenna for breast tumor detection | Journal of Advances in Chemistry | International | Vol.12, No.22 pp.5392-5397 December 2016 | V.Dinesh G.Murugesan |
394 | Determination of Blood Constituents using Laser Based Systems | Asian Journal of Information Technology | International | Vol.15, No.21 pp.4299-4301 December 2016 | V.Ashok K.S.Tamilselvan |
395 | Embedded System Based Smart Conveyer Belt Security System for Textile and Dyeing Industries | International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences | International | Vol. 4, No.2 pp.916-920 December 2016 | V.Ashok P.P.Janarthanan |
396 | Embedded System Based an Automatic Coconut Dehusker with Identification of Decay in Copra for Export Packaging | International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences | International | Vol.4, No.1 pp.592-601 December 2016 | S.Maheswaran R.Asokan R.P.Karthik S.Sathesh |
397 | Encounter based clustering with cuckoo search for Adhoc communication in wireless health informatics | Journal of medical imaging and health informatics | International | Vol.6, No.8 pp.1983-1989 December 2016 | G.Murugesan R.S.Latha |
398 | Optical Character Recognition for Multi-Font English Language from Printed Documents | International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering | International | Vol.3, No.6 pp.346-354 December 2016 | V.Sathya Narayanan V.Saranya |
399 | Embedded System Based Smart Conveyer Belt Security System for Textile and Dyeing Industries | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering | International | Vol.6, No.11 pp.148-152 November 2016 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan V.Ashok |
400 | Multi-Metric Clustering in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks using Firefly Optimization Algorithm | Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities | International | Vol.6, No.11 pp.630-641 November 2016 | G.Murugesan R.S.Latha |
401 | Lifting based 2d-Discrete Wavelet Transform for Image Compression based on Residue Number System | Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities | International | Vol.6, No.10 pp.700-712 October 2016 | G.Murugesan V.Geetha |
402 | FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Filters using Partial Update Algorithm | Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities | International | Vol.6, No.10 pp.325-339 October 2016 | S.Sasikala G.Murugesan S.Gomathi |
403 | Smart Drinking Water Quality Maintenance System | International Educational Scientific Research Journal | International | Vol.2, No.10 pp.119-122 October 2016 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan |
404 | FPGA Implementation of Combination of Error Normalised Sign LMS and Zero Attractor-ENSLMS Algorithms for Denoising ECG Signals | Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities | International | Vol.6, No.9 pp.683-697 September 2016 | S.Sasikala G.Murugesan S.Gomathi |
405 | A Real Time Image Processing Based System to Scaring the Birds from the Agricultural Field | International Journal of Science and Technology | International | Vol.9, No.30 pp.1-5 August 2016 | S.Maheswaran M.Ramya P.Priyadharshini P.Sivaranjani |
406 | Improvement of Images by Morphological Conversion Through Deprived Illumination | International Journal of Advanced Research in Information and Communication Engineering | International | Vol.4, No.1 pp.68-73 July 2016 | T.MeeraDevi S.Palpandi |
407 | Design of Low Power Sense Amplifier based NAND Latch under 30nm Technology | International Journal of Computer Applications | International | Vol.144, No.2 pp.0975-8887 June 2016 | K.Gavaskar P.KaviyaPriya M.Sukhanya |
408 | Secure Real Time Web Based Electrocardiogram Monitoring System for Improved Healthcare | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | International | Vol.6, No.3 pp.774-778 June 2016 | S.Balambigai J.Vellingiri K.Saravanan R.Asokan |
409 | Performance Comparision of Classification of Chronic Leukaemia Cell Types Using Artificial Neural Network | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | International | Vol.6, No.3 pp.571-584 June 2016 | T.C.Kalaiselvi R.Asokan R.Premkumar |
410 | A Fuzzy-Genetic Based Approach for Improving OLSR Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Networks | Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research (Techniques and Algorithms in Emerging Technologies) | International | Vol.24, pp.425-432 May 2016 | G.Murugesan R.S.Latha |
411 | A New Speaker Verification Approach for Biometric System | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | International | Vol.3, No.4 pp.978-991 April 2016 | J.Indra N.Kasthuri M.Balashankar S.Geetha Manjuri |
412 | Analysis of Square loop and Costas loop Demodulator using Simulink | IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering | International | Vol.11, No.2 April 2016 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby |
413 | Non Invasive Haemoglobin Meter | Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research | International | Special Issue pp.21-25 2016 | S.Balambigai |
414 | Smart Robot for Coconut Maturity Level Identification and Harvesting using Embedded Linux | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | International | Vol.10, No.93 pp.264-269 March 2016 | S.Maheswaran S.Sathesh B.Vivek P.Sivaranjani P.Priyadharshini |
415 | A Stand-Alone EEG Monitoring System for Remote Diagnosis | Telemedicine and E-Health | International | Vol.22, No.4 pp.310-316 March 2016 | N.Kasthuri S.Thangavelu V.Sundaram N.Aravind Bilakanti Nishant |
416 | Green and Energy-Efficient Computing Architecture for E-Learning | Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments | International | DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666- 9834-5.ch011/ February 2016 | S.Kuppuswami K.Palanivel |
417 | Optimal Rule based Algorithm for Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks | International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Ecology Science and Technology (IJARBEST) | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.72-76 Jan 2016 | T.Meera Devi B.Bhuvaneswari |
418 | Performance Analysis of Fingerprint Denoising Using Stationary Wavelet Transform | International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing | International | Vol.7, No.11 pp.48-54 October 2015 | S.Kuppuswami S.Usha |
419 | Design of Area Delay Efficient Adder Based Circuits in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | International | Vol.10, No.59 pp.1-8 July 2015 | K.Senthil Kumar S.Aruna |
420 | Design and Analysis of Low Power DRAM Cells using Sleep, Stack and Sleepy Stack Techniques | International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology | International | Vol.38, No.38 pp.58-62 June 2015 | K.Gavaskar G.P.Gopi N.Janani R.Ambiga |
421 | Bayesian based inference of missing time series values using Genetic Algorithm | International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems | International | Vol.12, No.2 pp.67-77 June 2015 | S.Kuppuswami R.Devi Priya R.Sivaraj |
422 | Enhanced Signature Verification using Neural Network Based on Statistical Features | International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology | International | Vol.16, No.3 pp.2.1-2.4 June 2015 | S Balambigai T.C.Kalaiselvi S.Moses S.Maheswari S.Prasanth |
423 | Performance Comparison of Wavelet and Contourlet Frame Based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy in Remote Sensing Images | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | International | Vol.43, No.4 pp.729-737 December 2015 | K.Venkateswaran N. Kasthuri R.A.Alaguraja |
424 | 3D VLSI Non-Slicing Floor Planning using Modified Corner List Representation | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | International | Vol.8, No.35 pp.1-6 December 2015 | P.Sivaranjani A.Senthil Kumar |
425 | A Machine-Vision-Based Real-Time Sensor System to Control Weeds in Agricultural Fields | Sensor Letters | International | Vol.13, No.6 pp.489-495 2015 | S.Maheswaran R.Asokan |
426 | Improvement of test data compression using combined encoding | IEEE explore | International | ISBN 978-1-4799-7224-1 pp.635–638 2015 | S.Mirthulla A.Arulmurugan |
427 | Performance Comparison of Wavelet and Contourlet Frame Based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy in Remote Sensing Images | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | International | DOI:10.1007/ s12524-015-0461-5 2015 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri R.A.Alaguraja |
428 | Thermal-Aware Non-slicing VLSI Floorplanning Using a Smart Decision-Making PSO-GA Based Hybrid Algorithm | Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing | International | DOI: 10.1007/ s00034-015-0020-x 2015 | P.Sivaranjani A.Senthil Kumar |
429 | Defected microstrip structure based UWB antenna with reconfigurable band stop filter design | Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials: Rapid Communications | International | Vol.6 pp.808-812 June 2015 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby A.Srithar A.Vanathi G.Deepa |
430 | Comparision Of Optimal S-Band Power Divider Design For Imaging Radar Application | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering | International | Vol.4 pp.570-574 March 2015 | V.Sathya Narayanan C.Mekala |
431 | An Approach for Spectrum Allocation for Maximized Coverage in Cognitive Radio Network | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology | International | Vol.3, No.3 pp.250-255 March 2015 | B.Bhuvaneswari T.Meera Devi |
432 | Dynamic Spectrum Allocation To Maximize Efficiency In Cognitive Radio Networks | International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research | International | Vol.2, No.3 pp.505-512 March 2015 | B.Bhuvaneswari T.Meera Devi T.Ramya |
433 | A Systematic Study of Feature Extraction Algorithms | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | International | Vol.9, No.23 pp.19403-19420 2014 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri R.Shobika R.Kiruthiga |
434 | A Hybrid Power-Efficient FIR Filter Architecture Using DPL Model | Journal of Applied Engineering Research | International | Vol.9, No.23 pp.18771-18787 December 2014 | D.Malathi M.Madheswaran |
435 | Design of Low Power FIR Fiter Using 6T Full Adder | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | International | Vol.8, No.18 pp.72-78 December 2014 | D.Malathi M.Madheswaran |
436 | Improved TCP congestion control mechanism for Multihop Wireless Networks | Applied Mechanics and Materials | International | Vol. 591 pp.189-192 July 2014 | T.Meeradevi G.Sankara Malliga M.Umaparvathi B.Parvathavartini S.Thayammal P.Sriramya |
437 | Spectrum Sensing methods for Cognitive Radio | International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies | International | Vol.2, No.11 pp.65-68 March 2014 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby K.Gomathi D.leela |
438 | Effective Spectrum Sharing method using Power Allocation Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks | European Scientific Journal | International | Vol.3, pp.219-223 February 2014 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby S.Nithya N.Saranya |
439 | An Effective Clustering Technique for WBC Image Segmentation | International Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.25-37 March 2014 | T.C.Kalaiselvi R.Asokan R.Premkumar |
440 | Fabrication of polymer based Schottky diode using PANI/Ag nano composite | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technologyq | International | Vol.3, No.1 pp.1-5 January 2014 | K.Senthil Kumar D.Rohini |
441 | Determination Of Epileptic Disorder With Discrete Wavelet Transforms And Neural Network Classifier | Journal of Computer Science | International | Vol.10, No.1 pp.66-72, 2014 | N.Kasthuri S.T.Sadish Kumar |
442 | A Survey on Design of Multiband Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications | International Journal on Recent and Innovations Trends in Computing and Communication | International | Vol.1, No.12 pp.949-954 December 2013 | V.Dinesh J.Vijayalakshmi Na.Nanthini K.T.Divya |
443 | Performance Analysis of K-Means Clustering for Remotely Sensed Images | International Journal of computer Applications | International | Vol.84, No.12 pp.23-27 December 2013 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri K.Balakrishnan K.Prakash |
444 | Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture radar Image Using Countourlet Based Fusion and Kernel K-Means Clustering | International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.316-325 2013 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri K.Balakrishnan K.Prakash |
445 | Quality Assessment on Satellite Images based on Internal Criterion Techniques | International Journal of Computer Applications | International | Vol.84, No.2 pp.28-32 December 2013 | T.Meera Devi K.M.Sharavana Raju Mohammad Shahnawaz Nasir |
446 | Filtering Techniques to reduce speckle Noise and Image Quality Enhancement methods on Satellite Images | IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering | International | Vol.15, No.4 pp.10-15 Nov-Dec 2013 | T.Meera Devi K.M.Sharavana Raju Mohammad Shahnawaz Nasir |
447 | Cross layer Interaction for improving the performance of TCP in multihop Wireless Networks | Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research | International | Vol.31, No.2 pp.182-192, September 2013 | T.Meera Devi Sankara Mallinga Gopalan Umaparvathi Manavalan Parvathavartini Balasubramanian |
448 | OFDM: An Overview | Indian Journal of Scholarly Research | International | Vol.2, No.9 pp.24-26, September 2013 | S.Venkatachalam T.Manigandan |
449 | Comparative survey on load balancing techniques in computational grids | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | International | Vol.4, No.9 pp.79-92 September 2013 | N.Kasthuri R.Rajeswari |
450 | A Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm with Load Balancing for Computational Grid | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | International | Vol.58, No.1 pp.13-28 September 2013 | N.Kasthuri P.Keerthika |
451 | A Modified adaptive wavelet shrinkage speckle filter for ultrasound images | International Journal of computer science | International | Vol.9 No.10 pp.1406-1413 September 2013 | P.Nirmaladevi Asokan Ramasamy |
452 | Efficient environmental noise reduction system for speech enhancement via fuzzy-based extreme learning machine and fuzzy adaptive Wiener filter | Noise Control Engineering Journal | International | Vol.61, No.5 Sep-Oct 2013 | T.Meera Devi G.SankaraMalliga K.M.Saravanaraju |
453 | Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Contour let Based Fusion and Kernel Clustering | International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.316-325 October 2013 | K.Venkateswaran N.Kasthuri K.Balakrishnan K.Prakash |
454 | A Probabilistic Model for Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signal using Time Frequency Analysis and Statistical Pattern | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | International | Vol.7, No.12 pp.174-179 October 2013 | N.Kasthuri S.T.Sadish Kumar |
455 | An Efficient grid scheduling Algorithm with fault tolerance and user satisfaction | Hindawi Publication | International | Vol.2013 pp.01-10 April 2013 | N.Kasthuri P.Keerthika |
456 | Synthesis and Characterization of PANI/Ferric chloride composite for fabrication of electrodes in superconductor | Trans Tech Publication | International | Vol.768 pp.334-337 2013 | G.Murugesan K.Senthil Kumar |
457 | A Histogram based Hybrid approach for Medical Image Denoising using Wavelet and Curvelet transform | International Journal of Computer Applications | International | Vol.74, No.21 pp.6-11 Jul 2013 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan M.Vinothsaravanan |
458 | Automatic tumor detection in Brain Image using FLICM Algorithm | International Journal of Emerging Treends in Electrical and Electronics | International | Vol.5, No.1 pp.61-69 Jul 2013 | K.S.Tamilselvan G.Murugesan |
459 | An efficient Grid Scheduling algorithm with Fault Tolerance and User Satisfaction | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | International | Article ID 340294 2013 | N.Kasthuri P.Keerthika |
460 | Quality Assessment on Satellite Images using Clustering Techniques | European Journal of Scientific Research | International | Vol.103, No.4 pp.539-547 June 2013 | T.Meera Devi K.M.Sharavana Raju V.Karthikeyani |
461 | Compressive Wideband Power Spectrum Analysis for EEG Signals using Fastica and Neural Network | IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering | International | Vol.5, No.1 pp.1-7 Feb 2013 | N.Kasthuri R.Selvi S.T.Sadish Kumar |
462 | Optimization of OFDM Systems using Genetic Algorithm on FPGA | International Journal of Computing Science and Communication Technologies | International | Vol 5, No.2 pp.788-792 Jan 2013 | S.Venkatachalam T.Manigandan |
463 | Synthesis and characterization of PAN1/Ferric Chloride Composite for Fabrication of electrodes in Supercapacitor | Advanced Materials Research | International | Vol.768 pp.334-337, 2013 | S.Deebankarthhikeyan E.Hemalatha S.Manikandan K.SenthilKumar G.Murugesan |
464 | Efficient Segmentation of Medical MRI Image using WT-WS Algorithm | Computer Applications | International | Vol.55, No.4 p-18, Oct 2012 | G.Murugesan K.S.Tamilselvan |
465 | Adaptive modulation of OFDM and MC-CDMA system | Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications | International | Vol.1, No.4 pp.109-113 Oct 2012 | S.Venkatachalam T.Manikandan |
466 | VLSI Implementation of FIR filter using Computational sharing multiplier based on High speed carry select adder | American Journal of Applied Sciences | International | Vol.9, No.12 pp.2028-2045, Sep 2012 | N.Kasthuri S.Karunakaran |
467 | An efficient fault tolerant scheduling approach for computational grid | American Journal of Applied Sciences | International | Vol.9, No.12 pp.2046-2051, Sep 2012 | N.Kasthuri P.Keerthika |
468 | Performance analysis of Postcoded OFDM systems | International Journal of Computing Science and Communication Technologies | International | Vol.5, No.5 pp.794-800 July 2012 | S.Venkatachalam T.Manigandan |
469 | Environmental Noise Classification and Cancellation using Fuzzy classifier and Fuzzy Adaptive Filters | International Journal of Computer Science and Issues | International | Vol.9, No.2 pp.413-417 March 2012 | T.Meeradevi A.M.Natarajan N.Kasthuri |
470 | Liteature Review of fetal ECG Extraction | International Journal of Advances in Image Processing | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.55-62 Feb 2012 | T.Meera Devi P.Nandhini |
471 | Environmental Noise reduction System using Fuzzy Neural Network and adaptive Fuzzy algorithms | International Journal of Electronics | International | e-print pp.1-22 | T.Meeradevi A.M.Natarajan N.Kasthuri |
472 | High Performance VLSI Architecture for FIR Filter using on the Fly Conversion Multiplier | European Journal of Scientific Research | International | Vol.67, No.4 pp.625-635, 2012 | S.Karunakaran N.Kasthuri |
473 | QOS enhancement using efficient routing protocol for video over wireless Ad-Hoc networks | International journal of computer application | International | Vol.2, No.2 pp.30-35, 2012 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby N.Kasthuri |
474 | Modified Rate Distortion Based Multipath Selection for Video Transmission in AD-HOC Networks | European Journal of Scientific Research | International | Vol.70, No.4 pp.569-578, 2012 | E.D.Kanmani Ruby N.Kasthuri |
475 | An optimal path management strategy in Mobile Adhoc networkusing Fuzzy and Rough set theory | American Journal of Applied Sciences | International | Vol.8, No.12 pp.1314-1321 2011 | M.Joseph Auxilius Jude G.Rajendran P.Seethalakshmi |
476 | Area and Power efficient VLSI Architecture for FIR filter using Asynchronous Multiplier | British Journal of Science | International | Vol.2, No.2 pp.61-77 December 2011 | N.Kasthuri S.Karunakaran |
477 | Performance improvement in background noise suppression using Fuzzy algorithms | European Journal of scientific research | International | Vol.61, No.1 pp. 96-107, 2011 | T.Meera Devi A.M.Natarajan N.Kasthuri |
478 | Performance comparision of genetic algorithm & principal component analysis methods for ECG signal extraction. | International Journal of healthcare technology & management | International | Vol.12, No.5/6 pp.379-389, 2011 | S.Balambigai R.Asokan |
479 | A New Proactive Fault Tolerant Approach for Scheduling in Computational Grid | International Journal of Computer Applications | International | Vol.1, No.3 pp.56-61, 2011 | P.Keerthika N.Kasthuri |
480 | Performance comparison of environmental noise modeling using hidden markov model & fuzzy hidden markov model | International journal of Engineering science & Tech | International | Vol.3, No.6 pp.5317-5326, 2011 | T.Meera Devi A.M.Natarajan N.Kasthuri |
481 | Performance comparison of noise classification using intelligent networks | International Journal of Electronics Engineering | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp 49-54, 2010 | T.Meera Devi A.M.Natarajan N.Kasthuri |
482 | Design & Performance Analysis of OFDM system | International Journal of computing Science and Communication Technology | International | Vol.2, No.1 pp.349-352, 2009 | C.Gopikrishnan S.Venkatachalam T.Manigandan |
483 | Subband based Adaptive BIT and Power Allocation for OFDM system | Technia (IJCSCT) | National | Vol.5, No.1 pp.254-257, 2009 | S.Venkatachalam T.Manigandan |
484 | Ant based Dynamic Source Routing Protocol to support Multiple Quality of Service(QoS) Metrics in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | International Journal of Computer Science and Security | International | Vol.2, No.3 pp.48-53, 2008 | R.Asokan A.M.Natarajan |
485 | Quality of Service Routing using Path and Power Aware Techniques in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications | International | Vol.1, No.1 2008 | R.Asokan C.Venkatesh A.M.Natarajan |
486 | Performance Evaluation of Energy and Delay Aware Quality of Service(QoS) Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | International Journal of Business Data Communication s and Networking | International | Vol.4, No.1 pp.52-63, 2008 | R.Asokan A.M.Natarajan |
487 | Performance Analysis of Quality of Service Enabled Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm using Ant Colony Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Journal Advances in Engineering Science | International | Vol.2 pp.11-18, 2008 | R.Asokan A.M.Natarajan |
488 | Innovative Migrants Operators for improved Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Logic Controller | International Journal of Soft Computing | International | Vol.3, No.6 pp.461-466, 2008 | S.Vijayachitra N.Kasthuri A.Tamilarasi |
489 | Enhanced Variable Splitting Ratio with Oscillation Removal Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing in MPLS Networks | International Journal of Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology(ACST) Research India Publications | International | Vol.4, No.3 pp.23-28, 2008 | G.Murugesan A.M.Natarajan C.Venkatesh |
490 | Restoration support EUSR Algorithm for Effective Load Balancy in MPLS Networks | International Journal ICGST-CNIR | International | Vol.8, No.1 pp.37-45, 2008 | G.Murugesan A.M.Natarajan |
491 | Enhanced variable splitting ratio Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing in MPLS Networks | International Journal of Computer Science | International | Vol.4, No.3 pp.232-238, 2008 | G.Murugesan A.M.Natarajan |
492 | Analog CMOS Implementation of Digital FIR Filter | International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering | International | Vol.41, No.1 pp.1-16, 2008 | A.SenthilKumar C.Venkatesh A.M.Natarajan |
493 | Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) process Optimization using GA based Fuzzy clustering | International Transaction on computer Science and Engg, | International | Vol.48, No.1 pp.47-60, 2008 | S.Vijayachitra N.Kasthuri A.Tamilarasi |
494 | Improved Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Logic controller by innovative migrant operator | International Transaction on computer Science and Engineering | International | Vol.48, No.1 pp.153-163, 2008 | S.Vijayachitra N.Kasthuri A.Tamilarasi |
495 | A Swarm based Distance Vector Routing to support Multiple Quality of Service(QoS) Metrics in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | International Journal of Computer Science | International | Vol.3, No.9 pp.700-707, 2007 | R.Asokan A.M.Natarajan |
496 | An approach for Reducing the end to end delay and increasing network Lifetime in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | International Journal of Information Technology | International | Vol.4, No.2 pp.121-127, 2007 | R.Asokan A.M.Natarajan |
497 | FPGA implementation of Gamma filter for Fetal Electro Cardio Gram extraction | Journal on IETE | National | Vol.53, No.5 pp.433-440, 2007 | K.Helen Prabha A.M.Natarajan |
498 | Error back propagation using Gamma filter for Fetal Electro Cardio Gram extraction | Transactions on Signal Processing | National | Vol.3, No.1 pp.108-113, 2007 | K.Helen Prabha A.M.Natarajan |
499 | Implementation of Adaptive Splitting Ratio Algorithm for Effective Distributed Load Balancing in MPLS Networks | International Journal-HIT Transaction on Electronics, Communication, Computer and Networking (ECCN), India | International | Vol 2, No. 5 pp.291-300, 2007 | G.Murugesan A.M.Natarajan |
500 | Optimized Quality of Service (QoS) Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using Self-Healing Techniques | Wireless and Optical Communications | International | Vol.4, No. 3 pp.291-304, 2007 | R.Asokan C.Venkatesh A.M.Natarajan |
501 | Implementation of Intelligent Volume Controller for Cellular Mobile Phones | WSEAS Transactions on Communications | International | Vol.6, No.2 pp.390-395, 2007 | N.Kasthuri A.M.Natarajan |
502 | Performance Comparison of Adaptive Noise Cancellation Using Genetic Algorithm | GESTS Transactions on Communication | International | Vol.42, No.1 pp.59-68, 2007 | N.Kasthuri A.M.Natarajan C.Venkatesh |