Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Funding agency | Title of the Project | Investigators | Amount (Lakhs) | Year | Status |
1 | R&D | AICTE | JAVA2MICRO EDITION | Mr.R.Thangarajan | 2.00 | 2007 | Completed |
2 | R&D | CSI | Design of cost-effective printer to produce tactile images for visually impaired | Dr.S.Malliga Mr.B.Basheer Ahamed | 0.47 | 2015 | Completed |
3 | R&D | ICSSR | A study and analysis of the usage of web and social media networks to predict the behavioural aspects and learning experience of students in engineering education using data mining | Dr.R.Rajalaxmi Dr.P.Natesan Dr.N.Krishnamoorthy | 5.00 | 2016 | Completed |
4 | R&D | DST | Design and Development of a Tool for Childhood Autism Granding using Soft Computing Techniques | Dr.C.S.Kanimozhiselvi Dr.S.Malliga Dr.S.V.Kogilavani | 20.62 | 2017 | Completed |
5 | MODROBS | AICTE | Modernization of High Performance Computing Laboratory | Dr.R.R.Rajalaxmi Dr.R.Thangarajan Dr.P.Natesan | 2.27 | 2017 | Completed |
6 | IMPRESS | ICSSR | Study, Design and Development of a Machine Learning Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic Application for Communicative Disorders | Dr.C.S.Kanimozhiselvi | 13.07 | 2019 | Completed |
7 | RPS | AICTE | Design and development of AI powered deep learning model for COVID-19 identification, diagnosis and prediction of outbreak management | Dr.S.Shanthi Dr.K.Nirmaladevi Dr.N.Krishnamoorthy | 9.14 | 2022 | Ongoing |
8 | Minor Research Project | ICSSR | Impact of mobile phone and internet on education in terms of academic performance of students: Detailed study | Dr.K.Dinesh Dr.K.Kousalya Mr.B.Krishnakumar | 4.27 | 2023 | Ongoing |
9 | Minor Research Project | ICSSR | Development of AI-enabled deep learning models for cyberbullying detection in online social media and its impact on the quality of life among students | Dr.K.Nirmaladevi Dr.Vani Rajasekar Dr.S.Shanthi | 8.64 | 2023 | Ongoing |
10 | Doctoral Fellowship | ICSSR | Study and analysis of artificial intelligence methods in identification of deepfakes | Ms.P.P.Sudharsana Dr.R.R.Rajalaxmi | 5.20 | 2023 | Ongoing |
11 | Tomato Grand Challenge | AICTE | Tomatix: Revolutionizing Crop Planning and Market Intelligence | Ms.S.Mohana Saranya | 1.50 | 2024 | Ongoing |