Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Funding agency | Title of the Project | Investigators | Amount (Lakhs) | Year | Status |
1 | MODROBS | AICTE | Modernization of Communication Lab | Prof.N.Nagarajan | 5.00 | 1999 | Completed |
2 | MODROBS | AICTE | Modernization of VLSI lab | Dr.G.Murugesan | 9.44 | 2013 | Completed |
3 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Design and implementation of ARM based automatic precision drip irrigation control system | Dr.G.Murugesan Ms.P.Sivaranjani Mr.P.Maheswaran | 1.35 | 2013 | Completed |
4 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Socio-Economic online Real Time Blood Bank Management System using Mobile Computing | Dr.T.Meera Devi Ms.S.Balambigai Ms.S.Ashwini Devi | 1.00 | 2014 | Completed |
5 | R&D | NCW | Science for Rural Women Empowerment through Community Radio | Dr.P.Sivaranjani Dr.S.Maheswaran Ms.P.Keerthana Mr.B.Vivek Mr.S.Satheesh | 4.75 | 2019 | Completed |
6 | R&D | DST | Design of an Automatic Fabric Defect and Shade Variation Detector: A Predictive Model for Textile Industries in Tiruppur District, Tamilnadu | Dr.T.Meera Devi Dr.S.Sasikala Ms.S.Gomathi | 35.32 | 2019 | Completed |
7 | MODROBS | AICTE | Modernisation of Digital Signal Processing Laboratory for Digital Image Processing and Machine Learning Applications | Dr.G.Murugesan | 14.05 | 2019 | Completed |
8 | Science & Technology | TNSCST | Low Cost Portable Finger Vein Authentication Device for Highly Secured Applicationsq | Dr.T.Meeradevi Mr.K.Manoj Senthil Mr.Vibin Mammen Vinod | 3.85 | 2019 | Completed |
9 | RFRS | TNSCST | Robust end-to-end congestion control algorithm for vehicular internet computing | Dr.M.Joseph Auxilius Jude Ms.M.Shivaranjani (Scholar) | 3.00 | 2024 | On Going |