Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Funding agency | Title of the Project | Investigators | Amount (Lakhs) | Year | Status |
1 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Socio-Economic status of women sanitary workers with reference to selected municipal corporations of Tamilnadu | Dr.P.Karthikeyan | 1.85 | 2014 | Completed |
2 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Mapping of Socio-Economic Status of Beedi Workers in Selected Districts of Tamilnadu | Dr.T.Dheepa Dr.P.Karthikeyan | 1.10 | 2014 | Completed |
3 | Docotoral Fellowship | ICSSR | A study on work-family conflict and enrichment among women academicians in Tamilnadu | Ms.N.Gayathri Dr.P.Karthikeyan | 4.14 | 2015 | Completed |
4 | R&D Grant | MALCOLM & ELIZABETH ADISESHIAH TRUST | Social security of migrant labours with reference to construction sector in erode district, Tamilnadu | Dr.P.Karthikeyan Dr.T.Dheepa | 1.00 | 2015 | Completed |
5 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Quality of Life Among Street Vendors in Erode City - Quadrabgular Approach | Dr.R.Somasundaram | 2.40 | 2016 | Completed |
6 | Research and Fellowship Grant | AIMS | Socio-Economic Status of Migrant Labours with Reference to Selected Sectors in Western Tamilnadu | Dr.P.Karthikeyan Dr.T.Mohanasundaram Dr.T.Dheepa Mr.N.Prakash | 1.00 | 2017 | Completed |
7 | IMPRESS | ICSSR | Assessment on Employability Skills of SC, ST Rural Youth in Western Districts of Tamilnadu | Dr.P.Karhtikeyan Dr.T.Dheepa | 12.10 | 2019 | Completed |
8 | IMPRESS | ICSSR | A study on work place environmental parameters and occupational health problems among women construction workers in western Tamilnadu | Dr.R.Somasundaram | 4.10 | 2019 | Completed |
9 | Major Research Project | ICSSR | A Study on Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Startup Attempts in Rural Tamilnadu | Dr.P.Vidhyapriya Dr.M.Mohanasundari | 7.85 | 2019 | Completed |
10 | Research Project (Major) | ICSSR | Enhancement of Education Towards Sustainability, Innovation, Performance and Delivery Through Academia-Industry Partnership | Dr.P.Karthikeyan Dr.P.Sivaranjani / ECE Dr.N.Prakash Dr.S.Praveenkumar / MTS | 6.00 | 2022 | Completed |
11 | Short-term Empirical Research Project | ICSSR | Entrepreneurial ecosystem-The effectiveness of stand-up India in promoting women and SC/ST owned business in Tamilnadu | Dr.M.Mohanasundari Dr.P.Vidhyapriya Dr.P.Sundharesalingam Ms.M.Dharshnee | 8.06 | 2023 | On Going |
12 | Short-term Empirical Research Project | ICSSR | An empirical study on Jan aushadhi yojanas reach and socio-economic impact in selected areas of Tamilnadu state | Dr.S.Padmavathy Dr.S.Maheswari / EEE Dr.M.Sivachitra / EEE Mr.S.K.Logesh / EEE | 6.45 | 2023 | On Going |
13 | Research Project | ICSSR | Implementation of Blockchain Technology to Enhance Transparency, Traceability and Quality Assurance in the Supply Chain of South Indian Agriculture Industries | Dr.N.Prakash Dr.V.Vaishnavi Dr.P.Sivaranjani / ECE Dr.P.Karthikeyan | 7.50 | 2024 | On Going |