Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Funding agency | Title of the Project | Investigators | Amount (Lakhs) | Year | Status |
1 | Major Research Project | UGC | Treatment of dyeing industry effluents using low cost adsorbents | Dr.P.N.Palanisamy | 1.72 | 2008 | Completed |
2 | Major Research Project | UGC | Synthesis and study of pervoskite structured nanocrystalline thin films for the application of information storage devices | Dr.K.Tamilarasan | 12.66 | 2009 | Completed |
3 | R&D Project | DST | Treatability studies for textile wastewater treatment- Phase-I | Dr.P.N.Palanisamy Dr.R.Baskar Mr.P.Manikandan | 48.10 | 2013 | Completed |
4 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Design and development of performance enhancement of wind assisted domestic solar hot water system by filling carbon dioxide-methane-nitrous oxide gases in the collector panel for rural areas | Dr.K.Prabu Dr.K.Tamilarasan | 2.10 | 2014 | Completed |
5 | R&D Project | ICSSR | Experimental studies on the alleviation of anxiety and reticence of first generation women L2 learners to SC/ST and minority communities from the select districts of Tamil Nadu using task based strategies | Dr.S.Gandhimathi Ms.M.Sakthi Radha Ms.N.Sudhavani | 10.00 | 2016 | Completed |
6 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Studies on the Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nanostructure Layered Double Hydroxides for the Removal of Anionic Pollutant from Dyeing Industry Wastewater | Dr.P.N.Palanisamy | 1.20 | 2016 | Completed |
7 | Minor Research Project | UGC | Studies on Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Time Delays | Dr.R.Jeetendra | 3.00 | 2016 | Completed |
8 | R&D Project | UGC-DAE | Development of solution processed economical CZTS based absorber thin film for solar photovoltaic applications | Dr.K.V.Gunavathy | 1.75 | 2018 | Completed |
9 | R&D Project | DRDO | Development of new fuzzy filters for the removal of linear and non-linear noises in defence satellite SAR images | Dr.M.Harikrishnan Dr.K.V.Tamilselvi Ms.K.V.Udayanatchi | 2.54 | 2024 | On Going |